Insulin Resistance Strongly Predicts Cardiovascular Disease Risk

I recently came across a very interesting paper by the research team of Gerald Reaven, an endocrinologist at Stanford.  He has long been one of the leading researchers studying insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, and their association with obesity.  Reaven's research, and that of many others, suggests that insulin resistance is a central part of the constellation of metabolic disturbances that are so common in affluent nations*.  We also have good reason to believe that it contributes to cardiovascular risk.

All the way back in 1998, Reaven's group published a paper that should raise the eyebrows of anyone interested in cardiovascular health (1).

Read more »

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Health News: The Latest Skinny (May 2015)

Learn an interesting technique to help someone stop smoking, how to easily reduce your chances of skin cancer, an excellent reason to cut down on sugar and even a strange way to improve your hairline -- all collected here for you this month with May's Health News!

Links For Your Health

Tap on the large green link to take you to an article of interest:

1.  An inexpensive and unbelievably easy method to avoid a common form of skin cancer.

Don't miss this:  Foods to eat to help prevent sun damage and skin cancer.

2.  Well, this new treatment for baldness seems rather contradictory.

3.  Bribery may be your last resort to getting your kids to eat their vegetables, but you should consider using it to help smokers to quit. too.

4.  Another reason to breastfeed - it's good for the mothers, too!

Don't miss this:  Other ways to prevent breast cancer.
Stay up-to-date on the latest health news with these great links! Find an easy way to prevent skin cancer, why exactly you should cut down on sugar, help others quit smoking and even thicken your hair -- all to improve to your health! ( #health

5.  Science shows how very rapidly an improvement in diet shows positive effects on our bodies!

6.  Those late night snack creations may do even greater harm than putting on a few unwanted pounds.

7.  Be kind to your liver and cut those sugary-laden foods. Here's exactly why.

8.  The lessen is don't throw away any old, musty, dank notebooks! This recently found one may hold a clue to curing antibiotic resistant infections.

Don't miss this:  Why everyone should care about the superbugs lurking about. 

9.  Here's an example showing the synergy of some herbal treatments with western medicine working well together.

10.  Talk about making something useful out of something no one wants: how an STD is being used to fight cancer.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

Need a bit more?

Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
  • Join in on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, too! Just click on the "connect box" in the upper right hand corner to link in there, too.
  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!

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What To Eat For Skin Protection Before A Day in the Sun

While I love sunny days just as much (or more!) than everyone else, if not careful, it can be too much of a good thing! Waking up to a sunny day is certainly a mood elevator for me and I can't wait to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, but unprotected sun exposure for too long can also cause some rather serious skin damage if we don't take a few precautions.

Our food choices help determine how firm, radiant and wrinkle-free our skin appears.  The nutrients that we feed our body affect its ability to make collagen and elastin, and they supply hydration to our skin cells and inhibit free radicals from forming wrinkles. Not only all that (and that is plenty!), but, food can also even affect how we react to the sun. Those food choices around the time we are exposed to the sun can act as a natural sunblock in a way protecting us from damaging rays and giving us more glowing and picture-perfect, and yup -- even firmer skin.

9 Foods To Eat For Sun Protection

Not only the right sunscreen helps keep the sunburn from forming, but certain foods can help protect you from sun damage, too. Let's see what you might want to fill your plates with before you head out for a day on the beach for best sun protection and to keep your skin better protected in the short-run and better looking and skin-cancer free in the long-run.

(And, don't forget to tap on the links to some great Pinterest boards I found for you with fresh ideas of how to prepare those special foods, too.)

1/2.  Tomatoes and Watermelon 

The antioxidant lycopene that is contained in tomatoes and tomato products like tomato paste and ketchup can reduce UV-induced free radicals, show some studies. Another great source of lycopene is an all-time summer favorite -  watermelon. Lycopene is better absorbed with fat, so try to combine your lycopene-rich food with a healthy fat.  Tomato varieties differ in their lycopene levels as well. Here are tomatoes that have the highest level of lycopene.

Don't miss this:  Check out these recipe ideas for the delicious tomato and summertime watermelon.

3.  Bell Peppers

Chop up and throw in a fresh bell pepper or two in your beach bag to munch on as they contain the antioxidant capsiate, which decreases UVB-induced skin damage and inhibits inflammation from sun exposure.

Don't miss this:  Find some new ideas on how to prepare those colorful peppers here.  

4.  Wild-Caught Salmon

Wild-caught salmon is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats. But, to add to the list of health advantages, recent research shows omega-3 fatty acids in a diet can help fight the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on sun-exposed skin. Wild salmon also contains a potent antioxidant pigment called astaxanthin, which may fight wrinkles and sagging.

Don't miss this:  Tap here for my guide to best fishing buying and cooking! And, catch these recipes for fresh salmon.

5.  Berries

Those colorful berries like both red and black raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and blackberries do a great job of mopping up those free radicals created by the UV rays of the sun. They are loaded with cancer-fighting, disease-preventing antioxidants, too.

Don't miss this: Check out these superfoods that are black and loaded with goodness!
Learn all about a natural way to protect your skin from sun damage and keep it beautiful - FOOD! Yup! Eat your way to less sun damage and more picture perfect, glowy, firmer skin.

6.  Turmeric

Even a spice can do plenty to help you stay skin cancer-free.  This research shows a possible benefit of curcumin in turmeric used as a paste to help with melanoma treatment. Curcumin also reduces inflammation and works as an antioxidant to reduce skin damage.

Don't miss this:  This is important! Here is a popular post on turmeric and the correct way to consume it!

7.  Green Tea

Tea is a healthy beverage all year round, but green tea, brimming with the antioxidant EGCG, provides protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. The antioxidants work to prevent DNA damage and help repair existing damage. Choosing green tea can deter dehydration while in the sun and provide proper levels of skin hydration, another key to a youthful look, too.

Don't miss this:  The benefits of green tea are many. Find some great ways to prepare green tea besides sipping right here.

8.  Dark Chocolate

Go ahead and break off a chunk of dark chocolate and offer it to your friends, too, as research here suggests that it not only protects our cardiovascular system, but it also protects the skin from sun damage, too. My dad used to always give me natural cocoa butter for my skin and I am glad he did as it is an excellent emollient that preserves skin’s elasticity and moisture.

Don't miss this:  Here is an assortment of healthy chocolate recipes to keep you happy.

9.  Pomegranate Seeds

Snack on the polyphenols in pomegranate seeds to protect the skin from both UVA and UVB free radicals and may help with hyper-pigmentation.

Don't miss this:  There are so many ways you can use pomegranate in your cooking for better health.

For More On The Topic . . .

Related Posts:

How to Unlock Your Best Decision-Making

On the fence regarding a decision you must make? I know I find myself there a lot, dithering around on what to choose. That stress-inducing, dreaded decision making isn't something we should elude, though, as it allows us to create a new direction for our lives.  But those big decisions require a strategy for the best outcome and the most meaningful direction. If you have a big decision to make anytime soon, don't just roll the dice! Instead, follow these streamlined decision making ways to create the optimal result for you!

Don't just roll the dice when it comes to those decisions! Instead follow this streamlined decision making plan to create the optimal result for you! ( #health #decisions

Creating the Best Decisions For Yourself

Choices can overwhelm and it is better to keep the smaller decisions ones not to ponder too much over, but those big choices that have bigger consequences deserve your attention.  Let these steps take you there:

1.  Stay calm and confident.  I probably don't need to tell you that making decisions in a calm state of mind will probably lead to a better outcome, but it is also better for your mental health, too.  It will provide you with a sense of control over the circumstances of your life and most certainly a better sense of control over your thoughts and emotions. You are able to focus on the right details to make a better decision and allow you to better communicate your needs to other people creating a more effective, intelligent choice.

One way to stay calm if you are stressed about a decision to make is to have a little conversation with yourself. What you say to yourself can be just as important as what you tell others.  The mindset you create during pressure situations is critical and the thoughts your formulate in your head during stressful or emotional moments can either help you calm yourself or heighten your anxiety.  Besides, the more you stew on negative thoughts, the more power you give them. Many of our negative thoughts are just that—thoughts.  It has not even happened and most likely won't.

Try saying positive things to yourself to feel more centered and in control.  Something like these statements:
  • I can and will do my best.
  • I can handle this.
  • I am calm.
  • I am focused.
Tap here for some great methods that can help create a calming effect.

2. Don't overlook the details.  Make sure you understand the decision at hand completely.  It is paramount that you pay attention to the details and gather the facts as sometimes within those details the decision becomes suddenly clear. Or, if you get the facts wrong, the worst decision could be made!

Here are some questions to get the ball rolling:
  • What is the time limit to make the choice? 
  • Who is involved with the decision and how does it affect others? 
  • Has anyone or anything been overlooked?  
  • What is my ultimate desired outcome for me and for everyone else involved?
  • What could I and others gain and lose from each path I could take?
  • What’s preventing me from having the outcome I desire?  How can I fix that?
  • Where can I compromise or ask others to compromise?
The answers may take some time to formulate but take the effort to come up with the answers and write them down.  It is amazing what happens when you start writing even if you don't think you have anything to say.

3.  Choose advisers carefully.  Whenever I can't make an easy decision, I ask for advice. Others, after all, may see the best solution more clearly than I.  But, I’ve found that getting too much advice can start to muddle the process.  Limit yourself to one or two advisers who happen to have experience with the situation.

4.  Create an imaginary friend.  This one always works for me.  I pretend a friend is asking my advice for the very dilemma or decision I need to make.  The emotional response is lessened when I am playing the role as "the friend" giving advice. Most times, the right choice becomes much clearer.

5.  Disconnect. Force yourself offline and even turn off your phone to give yourself some quiet uninterrupted time to let your mind clear. Go for a walk alone. Just moving your body in a steady rhythm can help create energy and maybe a possible solution or two.

6.  Sleep on it.  If you have the time with the decision to make, ensure to do your best to get sleep. Allow yourself to get a break from thinking and allow your brain to recharge so that you wake up alert and clear-headed. Your self-control, attention, and memory are all reduced when you don’t get enough sleep making the best decision less likely. The choice to make may be a lot more clear to you after a break from it and resting your mind.

Try these tips to get a good nights rest.

Great Reads For Decision-Making Tools

I dug up these two pieces for you, too, that I don't want you to miss. They just may help illuminate all those tough decisions you need to make:
Do you avoid decision making and leave it to others or tackle it head-on? Or, maybe something in-between?

Need a bit more?

Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
  • Join in on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, too! Just click on the "connect box" in the upper right hand corner to link in there, too.
  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!
This was featured on the Urban Naturale.

Related Posts:

How to Supercharge Your Eyesight WIth The Best Foods

You must meet a very important M.D. I have been reading about and cooking for lately.  I introduce you with reservation, though, as this M.D. isn't an M.D. I hope you ever actually meet and, in fact, I hope the information here will help you avoid crossing paths entirely. You see, the M.D. I am referring to isn't my friendly, family doctor, but this MD is the acronym for macular degeneration - an incurable eye disease that is the leading cause of vision loss for older U.S. adults. It is something no one wants to encounter, so let me tell you about some easy ways to avoid its destructive path.

What Macular Degeneration Is & How to Avoid It

Here are a few facts regarding this sight-robbing disease and what you can do to stop it:

1.  It can affect our ability to recognize a familiar face.

Macular degeneration (MD) involves a breakdown or injury to the macula, or the central and most sensitive part of the retina located at the back of the eye. The macula gives us clear vision and damage to it results in the complete loss of central vision, which allows us to drive, read, and even recognize faces.

2.  It can strike at any age.

But MD is mostly associated with aging.

    3.  It affects two types of vision.

    While MD affects both distance and close-up vision, it does not attack our peripheral vision, thus, it does not cause complete blindness.

      4.  There are two kinds.

      There are two basic types of MD: dry and wet with most cases being of the dry variety with a more gradual vision loss.

        5.  Here's another reason to toss the cigarettes. 

        Research shows that smoking doubles the risk of age-related macular degeneration.  Other risk factors include family history and being Caucasian.

          Look at all these delicious foods to eat to keep your eyes in tip-top shape! Find amazing, healthy recipes to feed you and your family at every meal to keep your vision clear! ( #health #eyes

          6.  The disease typically begins symptom-free.  

          Only a comprehensive dilated eye exam can detect it illustrating the importance of regular eye exams even if you are not experiencing vision issues.

          7. You can chew your way to better eye health. 

          Eating foods with particular nutrients for eye health like greens, sweet potatoes, oranges, almonds, and avocados may delay the onset and progression of age-related macular degeneration. Particular antioxidants are found in the macula and need to be refortified regularly with them to keep the eye healthy.

            8.  Some fats are good.

            Certain fats like omega 3s are crucial to eye health as well as other parts of our body.  I wrote here about the magical effects of omega 3s for your health and how to incorporate them in your diet.

              9.  There is lots of help! 

              Check out these great resources for lots more information on MD here and here.

                Eat The Right Way For Best Eyesight

                I wrote about taking care of your peeps here that you must check out as it covers the best type of sunglasses to buy to protect your vision, how and why to get an eye exam even if you see perfectly, and contact lens care, etc. I even wrote a bit about what to eat to keep that vision strong. But, today, I'd like to expand on that very impotent aspect of eye health -- the food on your plate.  I was recently asked to review the just released Eat Right For Your Sight for a book review. Here is a bit about the book and those who created it:

                Eat your way to great eye health with these amazing recipes from famous chefs and doctors. ( #health #eyes
                • This book, written by James Beard-nominated author, Jennifer Trainer Thompson, and leading expert on macular degeneration, Johanna M. Seddon, MD, fully explores all the healthy food options and provides simple, appealing recipes that any family would like to see at their dinner table. All the work to keep your eyes in tip-top-shape is there with ideas for every meal.
                • The book points to recent research that a healthy diet rich with antioxidants like luetin and zeaxanthin and certain fats can delay the onset or progression of macular degeneration. Charts that lay out which foods are best and why is in the book.
                • There are recipes from wonderful well-known chefs like Jacques Pepin, Alice Waters, Ina Garten, and Andrew Weil,, M.D.  All nutritional information for each recipe is included as well.
                • There are lots of delicious recipes to try but check out one of my favorites below that I knew my family would greet with a smile. Maybe it will be a favorite for you and yours as well.  

                Healhty Recipe: Spicy Udon Noodles From Eat Right For Your Sight

                Reprinted with permission from Eat Right For Your Sight

                A hit with guests at the Lake Austin Spa Resort in Texas, this dish has just enough heat to get your attention.  This mosaic of multicolored vegetables -- good for cancer prevention, heart health, and eye health -- is doused with a pungent sauce before being tossed with fresh herbs.
                • zest and juice of 1 orange 
                • 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
                • 1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
                • 1 tablespoon Asian chili paste
                • 1.5 tablespoons sugar
                • 1.5 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
                • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
                • 1 tablespoon canola oil
                • 1.5 tablespoons minced garlic
                • 1.5 tablespoons minced ginger
                • 6 cups cut raw stir-fry vegetables (broccoli, bok choy, zucchini, onion, scallion, red bell peppers, carrots)
                • 3 cups cooked udon noodles (9 ounces dry)
                • 1/4 cup freshly chopped basil leaves
                • 1/4 cup freshly chopped mint leaves
                • 1/4 cup freshly chopped cilantro leaves
                • 2 tablespoons dry roasted peanuts, for garnish

                Combine the orange zest and juice, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, chili paste, sugar, and vinegar in a bowl; set it aside.  Combine the sesame oil and canola oil in a small bowl.

                Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil mixture in a skillet over high heat.  Add the garlic and ginger and stir-fry until they begin to color, about 2 minutes.  Add the mixed vegetables and stir-fry until crisp-tender, 1-2 minutes.  Add the noodles and reserved sauce.  Cook for 1 minute.  Add the basil, mint, and cilantro; toss to mix.  Serve hot; garnish with the peanuts.

                My notes:  This was so flavorful! There are lots of ingredients but it comes together quickly.  I used fresh udon noodles that I can get locally.  I substituted organic avocado oil for the canola oil as it is a great oil to use for high heat cooking as the smoke point is high. (See more information on smoke points and the importance of them in cooking here.) I also used date sugar for regular sugar and for my 6 cups of vegetables, I used fresh spinach, broccoli, scallions, red onion, zucchini, and red and orange bell pepper.  

                For more easy, delicious eye healthy recipes, tap here. Tell me, do you know anyone with MD and have a story or tips to share?

                Need More?

                Check out these links, too!
                • Loads of other healthy ways to prepare vegetables: my healthy vegetables Pinterest board. 

                  I was given a free copy of the “Eat Right For Your Sight” Cookbook to write this review, but all opinions are my own.

                  This was featured on 60 the New 40.

                  Related Posts:

                  Recent Interviews

                  Here are two recent interviews I'd like to share with readers:

                  Danny Lennon of Sigma Nutrition

                  Danny Lennon is an evidence-based nutrition coach who publishes a podcast called Sigma Nutriton Radio.  We had a nice conversation about why we overeat, including energy homeostasis and the personal economics of food choice.  The podcast has a high production value.  You can listen to the interview here.

                  Angelo Coppola of Latest in Paleo

                  Angelo Coppola and I hit it off recently due to our mutual interests in gardening and self-reliance.  We recently had a nice conversation about hunter-gatherer dietary patterns, the personal economics of food choice, US diet history, legumes and the Paleo diet, and how much meat we should eat.  You also get to hear a personal story about the only existing video of me as a child (that I'm aware of).  This one also has a high production value.  You can listen to it here.

                  Related Posts:

                  Words of WIsdom: Best Health Quotes

                  Some people just know how to say it! They can get their point across with just a mere sentence or two.  I have gathered an array of short quotes from leading doctors, actors, writers, philosophers and more that have something to say on the topic of health. Some quotes offer an interesting take on the subject, some make an important point, and some even give us a much needed laugh.  See what you think and tell me your favorite!

                  How Our Minds and Emotions Impact Our Health

                  Many feel your state of our mind and your emotions have a deep impact on your health.  Our moods and outlook certainly contribute to our motivation, productivity and the success of our relationships, but our physical health, too. Optimal health does encompass the whole package - body, mind and soul! Look at how others have stated it so eloquently. Do any of these quotes resonate with you?

                  • The I in illness is isolation, and the crucial letters in wellness are we. -- Author unknown, as quoted in Mimi Guarneri, The Heart Speaks: A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing 
                  • A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ.  --  John Steinbeck  
                  • I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system. If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is: love heals. -- Bernie Siegel
                  From Meryl Streep to Nathaniel Hawthorne, flip through these spot-on quotes on what living a healthy lifestyle really means.   ( #health
                  • To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less. -- Chu Hui Weng 
                  • To live without love, compassion, or any other spiritual value creates a state of such severe imbalance that every cell yearns to correct it. Ultimately, that is what lies behind the onset of disease; the body is sending a message that something lacking in the present—an imbalance existing somewhere—has given rise to highly visible, unarguable, physical symptoms. -- Deepak Chopra 
                  • A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part.  -- Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
                  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  -- World Health Organization, 1948
                  • Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body. -- Cicero 
                  • Illness is the result of imbalance. Imbalance is a result of forgetting who you are. Forgetting who you are creates thoughts and actions that lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and eventually to illness.... Illness can thus be understood as a lesson you have given yourself to help you remember who you are. -- Barbara Brenna

                  From Meryl Streep to Nathaniel Hawthorne, flip through these spot-on quotes on what living a healthy lifestyle really means.   ( #health

                  How To Best Spend Your Time For Optimal Health

                  Some see how we choose to spend our time is a prescription for good health.  Our healthy habits can contribute to our state of health, certainly.  But, perhaps we should we be kicking off our shoes and feeling the grass under our feet a lot more often, too!  What do you think?
                  • My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass. -- Terri Guillemets    
                  • So many people spend their health gaining wealth and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.  --  A.J. Reb Materi, Our Family
                  • When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow."  Tomorrow is disease. -- Terri Guillements 
                  • There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. -- Josh Billings 

                  From Meryl Streep to Nathaniel Hawthorne, flip through these spot-on quotes on what living a healthy lifestyle really means.   ( #health

                  How To Best Stay Out of The Doctor's Office

                  Perhaps a bit more than an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Many have a lot to say on how to go about keeping out of the doctor's office best. What are your techniques and thoughts on that?
                  • A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. -- Irish Proverb
                  • It's bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician. -- Meryl Streep
                  • The marvelous pharmacy that was designed by nature and placed into our being by the universal architect produces most of the medicines we need. -- Norman Cousins 
                  • The best six doctors anywhere/ And no one can deny it/ Are sunshine, water, rest and air/ Exercise and diet/ These six will gladly you attend/ If only you are willing/ Your mind they'll ease/ Your will they'll mend/ And charge you not a shilling. --Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows
                  • He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.  -- Chinese Proverb 
                  • Poor health is not caused by something you don't have; it's caused by disturbing something that you already have. Healthy is not something that you need to get, it's something you have already if you don't disturb it.-- Dean Ornish 
                  • Fresh air impoverishes the doctor.  -- Danish Proverb
                  • Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. They come to us now knowing this truth. We are at our best when they give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work. -- Albert Schweitzer
                  From Meryl Streep to Nathaniel Hawthorne, flip through these spot-on quotes on what living a healthy lifestyle really means.   ( #health

                  So, did any of these stand out to you? Please let me know in the comments or share a favorite quote that gives you inspiration or rings true for you!

                  Need a bit more?

                  Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
                  • Join in on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, too! Just click on the "connect box" in the upper right hand corner to link in there, too.
                  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!

                  This post was shared on Urban Naturale.

                  Related Posts:

                  21 Recipes To Create Something Amazing With Spring Produce

                  Lucky enough to have just returned from a jaunt to your local farmers' market or other favorite local food market? I hope your baskets and totes are brimming with fresh spring favorites like these.  And, if you are looking for quick, easy ways to highlight their deliciousness, I have gathered a few . . . or maybe a little more than a a few . . . ways to do just that.

                  Simple But Delicious Ways To Prepare Your Spring Produce

                  Because fresh produce tastes perfectly wonderful all on its own (in fact, sometimes who can wait to even get it home before sampling it), I typically choose simple ways to prepare it.  That way, it keeps that natural, fresh flavor up front. Thus, most of these links all are easy and quick and pretty much fuss-free:

                  1/2. If you have fresh spring onions, garlic scapes and herbs in your basket, you may want to try these main dishes to combine them:

                  3/4. If you have chosen some young, beautiful asparagus stalks, you must try these ways to use it up:

                  5/6/7.  Fresh strawberries are a favorite of most. If you have brought some home with a stalk or two of rhubarb, try these refreshing ways to combine the flavors:

                   If you were lucky enough to nail down some baby artichokes, you can't get any more simple than this: grilled baby artichokes.

                  9/10.  Those smaller zucchinii are always more tender and flavorful. You must try this with your next windfall:

                  Get inspired and tap into these 21 easy, healthy top recipes with the abundance of great-tasting and healthy spring produce to delight you all season long!  #health.

                  11/12/13.  If you spotted fresh peas, mint and a few lovely radishes, well . . . who doesn't love toast?  And, those fritters are pretty adorable, too:

                  14/15.  Fresh apricot season seems to be a short one where I live, so I grab them when I can. How about these two ways to highlight them:

                    16/17. Watercress is at the very tipy-top of the nutrient dense vegetables so throw some in you bag and make these recipes:

                      18/19.  Lots of greens peeking out of your basket? Those nutrient-dense vegetables would do beautifully with these:

                      20/21.  If blueberries are included in your bundle from the market, here are two great ways to use them to start your day:

                      Do you have a favorite spring produce that you wait for each season? How about a simple way to prepare it?

                      Need More?

                      • The farmers' markets are a great way to choose local produce and support your area farmers. Here are tips to ask the right questions when you get there.
                      • Loads of other healthy ways to prepare vegetables: my healthy vegetables Pinterest board. 

                      Related Posts:

                      No-Fail Plan to Make Your Travel Dreams Happen

                      I never pass up a chance to flip through travel magazines.  We live in a big, diverse planet, after all, and there are so many places and adventures to learn about! And, I always seem to gravitate towards the person in the room who has just returned from a trip.  I want to hear all about different places. Some, I may not be brave enough or have the funds enough to go yet, but, at the very least, I still want to live vicariously through others' experiences of a place and time.

                      Time-off from your regular routine plays a big, big part in living a healthy lifestyle.  The stimulation of a new place, the relaxation it can provide, the connecting with nature and others -- all so important. But, whether your idea of adventure or travel is to explore Alaska by sea kayak or to ride your bike to your area lake for a swim, it is all personal choices.  But, I do believe that exposure to how others live, various terrains and topography, customs and food choices can be incredibly expanding.  But, it does take some planning and some serious organization.  That's what I am here for right now -- to help you get your plans together and make your travel dreams happen.

                      Essential Steps to Take To Plan Your Next Trip

                      Make those travel dreams come to life with these broken down steps and tips to keep you focused:

                      1.  Daydream

                      This is where those magazines can help you.  Or those amazing travel blogs or Pinterest boards. Start a general bucket list of places you would like to experience and things you would like to do in your life.  Don't be limiting or think about money or how you would get the time off right now. Just brainstorm.  Be as specific as you can.

                      Keep that list as it will surely expand or you may even cross off a few on your list from either actually doing it (Bravo!) or you may have changed your mind!  You may be able to break that big trip into smaller pieces so don't think any of your ideas are too grand!

                      Here are a few links to help:

                      2.  Prioritize

                      Take that list and put them in order of what you want to do the most.  Or, you could make two lists.  One that is more easily obtainable whether that is because you already have a place to stay (your BFF just moved to Paris for 9 months) or you could piggy-back a vacation after a business trip, etc. The other list could be for those bigger dreams that you need to work towards.

                      From the lists, choose "the next one."  Put a picture of the destination on your phone or fridge to keep you motivated and focused to get there! However, keep your eye open for travel deals (or friends that have moved to great places!).  A trip lower on your list may have an incredible flight and hotel accommodation package your spotted and perhaps it is a smart move to change up your plans and make a switch for now.

                      Those travel dreams really are possible! Go ahead and make them happen with this break-down of doable steps to create them now. ( #travel #health

                      3.  Assess.

                      Time for a bit of a reality check as before you firmly decide on "the next one," you need to have an honest assessment of where your accounts stand.  Review your accounts and see what you feel comfortable designating for travel.  My husband and I have a travel fund where we make automatic deposits each month.  Perhaps that could work for you.

                      The length of your trip will certainly affect your budget as well as accommodations, flights, etc. but see how much you already have right now that you could put towards your trip.  Will you be able to easily add to this before the trip?  Is there another way you can increase your budget before you want to go? Or, is this a trip you need to save for over a longer period of time?

                      4.  Research costs.

                      Start researching flights, hotels, etc. to begin to feel out how much your trip will break the bank.  Do you want to backpack or are you thinking five-star accommodations the whole way? How much are hostels, hotels, restaurants, and attractions? All those answers allow you to estimate how much money you’ll need for your dream spot.

                      While you are doing your research, make sure you get a travel rewards credit card.  Those point systems can really add up and save you loads on hotels, flights, activities, restaurants, etc.  We have a few and it has reduced costs tremendously over the years. Choose a card based on where you want to save the most. If flights, find a card that rewards that, for example. Don't spread yourself too thin when using them as I am not suggesting paying interest on credit cards to plan your trip.  That will only put you behind financially.

                      5.  Budget

                      It is a dirty word to some, but, after all, the budget can make those tranquil days on the beach in the South Pacific a reality. Once you know how much money you will need for this trip, if more money is needed, you can begin a savings plan and begin reducing costs elsewhere.

                      Don't miss this:  Check out these budgeting blogs to help you get a hold of your finances.

                      6.  Commit

                      Once your funds are there or nearly so and you feel comfortable making the commitment, begin booking flights, hotels, car rentals, etc.  Remember, using your miles usually requires much earlier bookings.  Make any reservations for chosen activities, tours, guides, tickets to shows, etc. as well, if you think they will sell out.

                      7.  Start checklist.

                      Before you go, there are things to take care of at home for you to rest easy while you are away.  The Before You Leave For Your Trip Checklist below has it all laid out for you to make your trip hassle-free. Look over it now as some tasks can take weeks or even months to complete.

                      8.  Pack

                      Packing, in my world, is a dreaded activity. But, I have covered that a bit already . . .

                      9.  Smile and relax

                      You did it! Nothing left to do but soak it all in and enjoy the scenery and relish in the fact the hard work to get there is behind you!

                      But, I leave you with a few ways to make it even better:

                      Before you leave town, make sure you check off this list to keeping that vacation smooth and hassle-free. ( #travel

                      Before You Leave For Your Trip Checklist

                      Here are some important items to check off before leaving for your trip. Some of these actions may require weeks or even months ahead of planning.
                      1. Depending on where you are going, certain vaccinations may be needed. Find out which potential ones here.
                      2. Ensure your passport and visa are up-to-date.
                      3. Get camera and photo equipment prepared, repaired.
                      4. Make sure your suitcases are ready and get required repairs scheduled.
                      5. If you are traveling by car, ensure maintenance is scheduled, the tires are in good shape, and oil changes are up-to-date. 
                      6. Book all pet boardings or make arrangements for pet care while you are away. 
                      7. Make arrangements for mail and package pickup.
                      8. Arrange for someone to watch your home, mow your lawn and water plants.
                      9. Cancel and reschedule any appointments you had previously made for that time. 
                      10. Get any extra needed medications and prescriptions for trip.
                      11. Notify your credit card companies you are traveling and where so that any transactions are not flagged as fraudulent and your card is denied.
                      12. Give someone at home your itinerary so they know how to reach you or where you will be.
                      13. Automate your bills so that payments are up-to-date.
                      14. Consider purchasing travel insurance.  Here are some thoughts on that.
                      15. Ensure your cell phone plan covers your needs while traveling.

                      I really hope you'll tell us your latest travel adventure or your favorite travel tip or suggestion in the comments.

                      For Even More On The  Topic . . . 

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