What to Drink Before Bed to Detox and Sleep Great

No denying that I appreciate my morning coffee. In fact, I wrote about my adoration here as well as some things I like to put in it to amplify it healthiness here, but tea, has a place in my heart, too, and I hope in yours as well.

Find which herbal teas to drink at night to create great sleep, detox and boost your health all at the same time!
Plain iced organic black tea with lemon, especially in the summer, is a favorite way for me to stay hydrated a large part of the day,  But, my tea affection does not end there. Let me share my nighttime appreciation for some other tea leaves that I use to wind down and signal the nighttime slow down.

Why Herbal Teas Are a Great Choice at Night

Best pivot carefully away from any caffeinated foods and drinks come mid-afternoon to avoid sleep disturbances. Reaching for herbal teas that do not contain any caffeine is a great alternative with lots of added health benefits, too. Come take a look!

  • Herbal tea is not the tea made from the Camellia Sinensis plant that gives us black, green, white and oolong teas, but an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark of various herbs. 
  • Drinking a well-steeped herbal tea gives you the plant’s benefits in an easily digestible and tasty form and may help you wind down, provide a hydrating boost before bed and even help clear toxins as well.

Don't miss this: The four main kinds of regular tea and what each can do to boost your health.

Call for NightTime Tea Time 

I rotate various herbal teas that I link to below to pour at night before bed depending on my mood and what I am trying to accomplish (give my digestion a boost, relax or de-puff).  Here are three I reach for often and why you may want to as well. Make sure to not miss and pay special attention to the herbal tea prep tips below when making these teas to gain the many health benefits:

1.  Weeds may serve a purpose after all!

Squeeze all you can out of a nighttime tea bag ritual and do some detoxification at the same time! When consumed as a tea, roasted dandelion root tea can serve as a gentle liver cleanser and may also assist in the production of bile, which can help with our digestive process.  The root is abundant in vitamins and minerals, and the slightly bitter flavor may help trigger function of other digestive organs like the gallbladder and kidneys and help rid your body of excess water, too. Not bad at all for one bag of tea.

Don' miss this: some current research that could show cancer-fighting benefits to this tea as well.

2.  A sleepy-time combo does double-time.

Chamomile tea's association with sleep promotion is well deserved as its can cause a relaxing of the nerves and stomach, encouraging a sense of calm. But, I have been enjoying this chamomile and lavender tea blend adding a floral note to my evening that is nice.  The addition of lavender is a known insomnia fighter, but be sure to steep it well and note tips in the chart below to get all the medicinal benefits.

The two types of chamomile especially known for their health benefits and targeted in current research are German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile); thus, look for those when purchasing your tea.

3.  The freshness of mint soothes.

Peppermint herb tea is a naturally caffeine-free tea that has great stomach settling benefits that can be a great choice after a big dinner or for a disagreeable tummy. Anything that upsets your stomach surely can play havoc with getting a good night's rest.  This peppermint tea also contains good amounts of potassium, calcium and vitamin B, all useful to fight a cold or flu as well. And, let's not forget it does some good to freshen your breath!

Don't miss this:  Another great way I use mint.

Herbal Tea Brewing Tips

Brewing herbal tea is a tad different than brewing black, oolong, white or green teas to obtain the health benefits. Remember these three important pointers when choosing and brewing herbal teas to do it right:

1.  Use a lid.

Steep herbal teas in a covered vessel or put a plate over your mug.  This aids in containing the beneficial essential oils of the plants.

2.  Watch the timer.

Brew herbal teas longer than other teas. Ensure you steep your loose tea or tea bags long enough—in some cases, as long as 10 to 15 minutes—to really bring out all the healthful properties.

3.  Shop carefully.

Purchase high-quality ingredients and brands as always show care to what you put in your body.

Don't miss this:  Here is some information on better herbal tea brands to buy.

brewing tea method, tea infographic

For Even More On The Topic . . .

Do you frequently use herbal teas? Any favorites you turn to?

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Best Trick to Make All Your Food Taste Fantastic

What's the best way, the simplest way and and smartest way to make everything you prepare and eat at home taste delicious?

Finding and preparing your meals with the freshest food.

That's it!  It is "THE SECRET!" 

No special techniques, not even an exotic ingredient in the mix. Just simply the freshest food you can find.

With the exceptions of say certain wines, some cheeses, etc., the fresher the food, the better the taste. And, oh yes, did I mention that most of the time, the freshest food is a lot more nutritious, too?

8 Ways To Finding Your Freshest Food To Eat Well

So, how do we go about implementing this little trick of finding the freshest food? How can we do our best to get all that fresh goodness in our kitchen and on our plates? I have several suggestions for you to do just that:

1.  Grow your own.  Can't get any fresher than opening your back door and picking the ripest tomatoes or green beans for dinner! I know we all do not have the space or sunny yard to do this, but it really is so cost efficient and best tasting if possible. There are no concerns over pesticide use or contamination, either, if you choose organic gardening. If space is an issue, try container gardening for your favorite herbs and vegetables.

Don't miss this: Super tips on how to grow your own food in containers.

2.  Mingle with foodies.  Pick the brain of your foodie friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances.  They will tell you the great markets, the wonderful growers at the farmers markets or food stands, yummiest bakeries or the best places to buy fresh fish in your area. They love good food and spend time finding it.

3.  Smile and make friends.  The ones behind the counter know! Form a relationship with your local grocer, produce manager, fish monger, bakery staff, etc. Ask them what days they receive fresh fruits and vegetables, when they get their shipments in, what day the fresh bread in the bakery is made, etc. Get to know those faces, learn something and make friends.

Don't miss this: great questions for your fish monger to get the best.

4.  Outdoor shopping is more fun.  If you live in an area that has farmers' markets, this is where you must hang out once a week or more. Walk around and notice the fresh everything -- fresh meats, cheeses and amazing produce to eat seasonally.  Check out my tips for farmers' market buying here with the right questions and get to know your growers, too. Find out how the food has been grown or raised and the practices the farm uses. Also, ask the farmers where they are during the winter months, as many find indoor markets to participate in during the cold weather, as well.

Don't miss this: six greens to shop for and how to prepare them.

fresh food, cooking, nutrition

5.  Turn it over.  Simple, but yes, check the bottom for the expiration date on refrigerated items and pantry items too! Pick the items with the furthest date in the future to ensure you get the longest use from your purchase.

Don't miss this: how to ensure that expensive olive oil is your best bet.

6.  Experiment with a local group.  Sign up for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) association to provide your support to one or more local farms at the beginning of a growing season. It is fun to see what produce, meats and goods like homemade jam or eggs come in. By purchasing the farm's products before the growing season, you are allowing the farmer to know exactly how much he or she needs to grow for the amount that is already purchased. Customers receive weekly or monthly shares with super fresh and delicious varieties.

Don't miss this: How to find a CSA in your area.

7.  Learn the seasons.  This varies a bit by region, but learn when your favorite produce hits their peak and buy accordingly.  Get out those favorite recipes that highlight them and you will be amazed at the improvement over a hothouse or "shipped in from other parts of the world" taste. Supply and demand applies as well as when foods are in season and more abundant, they’re significantly cheaper.

8.   Shop often.  What a great suggestion, huh? Hold on, though. Not buy more, but buy less actually.  Don't overbuy fresh produce that you won't use over the next few days as the longer it sits on your counter, the less fresh it gets.  Stop by the store more often for a few quick things to choose the freshest possible and keep that taste and nutrient value the best.

So, Exactly How Come Fresh Food Tastes Better?

Here are two reasons why fresh can be a much better choice and why it usually tastes so much better:

1. As soon as you harvest any food, the crop begins to lose its nutritional value and the food's enzymes begin to break down the nutrients over time.  Fresh produce at your supermarket usually has traveled for days to get there and sat on the shelf or in the back of a truck for a while.  It has, thus, lots of extra time to break down. Not good for taste or nutrient value.

2.  Taste consists of texture, flavor and aroma. If any of these are affected, the taste of that food is compromised. Older food has lost lots of moisture sitting there and the aroma has often dissipated, too.  For example, fruit on the store shelf and stale bread both have lost moisture affecting both texture and aroma.

Do you try to shop for fresh food as often as I do? Any suggestions to add to how to go about it best?

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Featured on Urban Naturale blog hop.Fit foodie Mama.

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Near Future Tools in Breast Cancer Detection & Prevention You Should Know About

Not sure we need a pink ribbon to remind us, women and men alike, the repercussions a diagnosis of breast cancer brings. It is hard to escape that reality when it affects so many.

Women are often reminded to create a check-up plan with their doctors that may include regular testing and healthy lifestyle strategies to do their best to prevent the disease that affects so many. In fact, I wrote about several actions you can take regarding breast cancer prevention a while back that you can find here. But, I would like to bring some attention to some potentially exciting new advancements that can make that check up plan a bit easier in the near future, and certainly less invasive and painful as well as more informative, too.  Have you heard of any of these that can possibly help you with that?

New Strategies to Consider For Your Breast Health Plan

No one-way method of breast examination alone can serve all patients all the time, and research tells us that early detection can play a large role in survival rates of breast cancer. Mammogram, breast MRI and now 3D mammogram all provide critical information, but perhaps these additional tests discussed below could be something to consider and to talk over with your doctor very soon for your breast health plan:

1.  Some tests use your body heat as an image.  Thermography is an FDA approved medical imaging method (used in conjunction with other imaging testing) that uses infrared technology measuring heat levels in the breast tissue.  It is painless, noninvasive and inexpensive.

A thermogram detects abnormal heat in the tissue indicating possible new blood vessel formation, which is necessary to sustain tumor growth.  Vessel formation can be an early sign that a cancer is forming. No radiation exposure, injections or pressure of the tissue is involved. While a thermogram may show very early a possible development of cancer, a mammogram indicates one that may already be there.  Many argue thermograms can not replace mammography or breast MRI as a complete diagnostic tool, and that may be so, but it may be a useful for women who do not want to have the radiation of a mammogram every year or those with dense breasts where mammography only offers a partial read. The improvements to the camera quality for thermograms since the initial research decades ago should be considered when evaluating this tool.

Don't miss this: Check out this site for more information on thermography to discuss with your doctor and this article details the controversy over its use as well.

breast cancer detection and prevention
2.  An action you take each day can now possibly detect breast cancer early.  Researchers have developed an experimental breast cancer test that uses a urine sample capable of detecting tumors by noting changes in metabolism,  The test notes the concentration of metabolites that are present in the urine of all humans, but abnormally high concentrations can signal the presence of cancer. The test was successful 91 percent of the time in determining if a patient was diseased. That's a whole lots simpler than the pancake making of a mammogram! Mammograms or other diagnostic tools would perhaps be used for follow up imaging if the urine test was positive, but would no longer be necessary for routine screening with radiation exposure.

Don't miss this:  More details here on the this test in development.

And, if you have a family history of the disease or are considered high-risk, here are some options that may be a choice soon, as well:

3.  Cheaper new genetic tests may be around the corner. A saliva test under $250 may be in the works for genetic breast and ovarian cancer genes. The company, Color Genomics, plans to offer an analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2, plus 17 other cancer-risk genes. The cost is substantially lower than current genetic testing that runs in the thousands. Genetic testing can be a mixed bag, however, as some tests results are not clear and do not give the patient a definitive answer as to whether or not the gene exists in their DNA. The real cost of the test is in the interpretation of the results.

Don't miss this: This article goes into depth regarding the development of this test. Watch for updates regarding this company's progress in this.

4.  Your immune system could use a boost. Although a breast cancer vaccine is primarily being studied for treatment of an aggressive form of breast cancer from returning, it could be used in the future for prevention of the disease in the first place. Immunotherapy is behind why a vaccine could work.  Now, a vaccine is being tested after chemotherapy treatment to prevent recurrence, but a scientist has developed a vaccine for mice that prevents breast cancer before it starts.  Now, they are working on funding a study on humans as well.  The vaccine activates the immune system against proteins expressed only in breast tumors causing the tumor to destruct before it can even start to grow.

Don't miss this:  Here is an article on the vaccine that works on mice.

Helpful Links For Breast Health

Tap on some of these helpful tools to ensure you are caring for yourself:

Need a bit more?

  • Green tea may be a breast cancer preventative. This form of green tea is extra strength with loads of health benefits that you may want to check out.
  • Here are a few productivity tools to help you save time and reduce stress necessary for cancer prevention, too.

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  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!

Featured on Debbie in Shape.

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Can Fitness Trackers Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Definitely not a gadget person. In fact, I enjoy eliminating as much stuff as I can and keep to the basics.  But, these fitness trackers I see adorning everyone's wrists - from pro-athletes to soccer moms - have me a bit intrigued.  Gadgets or not, those trackers may be on to something and this study says they can be helpful in achieving exercise goals - at least for some. Maybe even you!

Fitness trackers can be a great tool to get and keep you in shape. Find the pros and cons as well as some tips to using them to for your exercise program and find out if the can help you achieve your goals.

What Fitness Trackers Can Do For You

The fitness trackers (and there are many, many types with more being introduced every month) quantify your workouts and movements as well as other behaviors in an all-encompassing way.  They proclaim they can track calories burned, how many steps you take, how many minutes you sit without getting up, how restful your sleep is and more. But, here are some other larger scale advantages they may have besides charting your every move:

1.  Small goals can become bigger goals. 

You may like fitness trackers to help you see progress in yourself or to set mini-goals helping you achieve bigger goals in the long run. Achieving those mini goals can keep you motivated, too.

2.  You may win the race.

The trackers may be a great tool for you if you have a particular larger goal in mind. They can help you get in tip-top shape for a particular big race or athletic competition and track your progress better preparing you for the event leading to success.

3.  No cheating allowed.

The trackers help you be more accountable just wearing it on your body and act as a great motivator and reminder to keep fitness a part of your day.

4.  Data geeks have a new toy.

Some people are motivated by data and all those numbers can really make some people very happy!

5.  Effective ideas can help.

Some fitness trackers offer tips and ideas for useful exercise routine adjustments.

6.  All levels can benefit.

You don't have to be a fitness nut to appreciate them as the more simple ones can help you correctly gauge just how much exercise you are really getting for even a simple exercise routine and just how much it takes to achieve those 10.000 steps we are to get each day. This study found that pedometers can help with a walking program to be more successful.

7.  Even the retirement homes may start distributing them.

This study says they can help older people lose weight.  We tend to overestimate our activity level and the trackers give us the facts.

But, Here is What Fitness Trackers Can't Do

Here are a few thoughts on taking a realistic look at those fitness devices:

1.  You still have to do the work.  

The trackers don't exercise for you. No can do. Instead of completely relying on a device to change your body, you need those fitness goals first and then use the monitors to help you exercise to meet those goals.

2.  They can take a chunk of change.  

Some of the fitness devices can cost hundreds of dollars and often aren’t everything the user was wishing for it to do.  Shop smartly. This information on the recently best rated fitness trackers is a good start.

3.  Not so good at recording your shut-eye. 

Yup, this study says fitness trackers that gauge your sleep are not very accurate and tend to overestimate how much real sleep you actually have had.

4.  All those numbers can be confusing.

Make sure you don't overbuy for your needs with your tracker spewing out a lot of information you would never even want or can't figure out what it actually means.

5.  The numbers may be there but it is still the person wearing it that has to change.  

Taking a hard look at what typically motivates you is important to determine if a fitness tracker is a good investment for you.  Some still find better success with an exercise buddy or group or personal trainer, for example.

6.  You should consider the exposure.

Here are some tips on reducing radiation exposure for these devices as the safety reports of that element are still out.

3 Tips To Using a Fitness Tracker

If you think a fitness tracker will help you achieve your fitness goals, here are three tips to keep in mind to make it the most effective:

1. Start with the right settings. 

Calibrate your tracker from the get-go. Your height has a lot to do with your walking and running stride. It may involve a bit of time and math but it is worth the accurate reads it will allow after doing so.

2. Choose your non-dominant wrist.

This study says the wrist trackers were more reliable at determining steps taken when they were worn on your non-dominant hand. It moves less and offers a more accurate read on how much your feet are moving with that wrist.

3.  Sync up.

If you love data, make sure to check out if your tracker will sync with other apps to get a full blown report on what you do and how effective your efforts are.

I shared my feelings on exercise here and I can't even remember to wear a watch that easily so still not sure I will invest in a fitness device, but I would love to hear your experience with them or your thoughts.  Should I do it . . . or not? Hang out in the comments and voice your thoughts please.

Need a bit more?

  • Healthy eating should be part of your goals too! Here is a great chef to nudge you along with easy clean eats!

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One Puzzle Piece to Staying Slim & Trim

Portion control . . . or I like to call it portion patrol . . . can play a big part of the puzzle in successfully losing and keeping your weight to where it should hover.  Not sure about you, but many tend to over estimate what a serving actually is which can possibly lead to extra calories and tipping the scale not in your favor.  So, have you ever really checked what constitutes a serving of some of the foods you typically eat every week? Come along and solve the puzzle! It really won't take long and you'll be glad you did!
portion size for weight control

How to Keep Trim With Portion Control

Making healthy food choices are critical but just how much you pile on your plate plays a key role, too, in weight management. And, we certainly can't rely on what restaurants serve you as the correct portion size! Find these strategies below to teaching yourself just what a real serving is and be on your way to making the rounds of portion patrol:

Take real measurements.  You may be in for some real surprises about just how much or little a portion actually is. I am not suggesting taking out your ruler every time you eat, but, it may be a good idea measure to your food accurately for a week or two to learn what makes up a real portion size. Use proper tools like a measuring cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, or food scale until you see how your favorite foods stack up. And, please check out my visual below on using a tool you already have on hand to measure, too. And, here is even more information on portion specifics, too.

It may be bigger than you thought. You may want to take measurement of those plates, bowls, cups, and glasses in your cupboard, too.  What you thought held one serving may actually hold two and is contributing to your overindulging. Measure 1 cup of water and fill your bowls, for example, to see a correct serving of soup in your bowl, for example.

Check out the side of the box.  Read your packages of rice, cereal, crackers, etc. to see what it lists as a portion size. Again, lots of surprises of what they list as a serving.

Don't serve family style.  Serve food onto plates rather than family-style (serving pieces on the table), which encourages seconds . . .  or thirds.

Learn to pack.  Make your own single-serving packs of proper portioned healthy snacks for you and your family to pack for on the go.

Don't miss this:  Here is a fun DIY snack pack the whole family could get into as well as the correct portion size of dried fruit as well (not what you think!)

Pour oil carefully. This is especially important because oil even all the healthy oils that I talked about here are still fat and just because it is healthy, the "more is better mentality" does not apply.   Don’t pour oil directly into your cooking pan or over food.  Get out the measuring spoon again a few times and then you will be able to eye ball it from here on in.

Don't miss this: A favorite fruit and oil that is a very wise choice!

Don't just split the check.  Split your entree, too, or eat half your entree and ask the other half to be wrapped up to bring home for tomorrow night. Restaurants are notorious to give enormous portions.

One bite can do. You'd be pleasantly astonished how that one piece of chocolate or bite or two of dessert of even a high-end ice cream will do just fine to fill your hankering for a sweet indulgence. And, even more pleasantly astonished when the scale doesn't move up, too!

Don't miss this:  These healthy treats are good choices and won't sabotage your diet plans.

Give yourself a hand.  Check out this visual to remind yourself of what a proper portion of a few foods actually is using what you already have - your hands - and be on your way to portion patrol.

Use a tool you always have "on hand" to gauge the correct portion sizes to easily get and keep your weight exactly where you want it to be! (TheHealthMinded.com) #health

Do you watch your portion sizes and does it help you stay on track?

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Insulin Resistance Predicts a Variety of Age-related Diseases

In the last post, I reviewed a study by Gerald Reaven's group showing that insulin resistance strongly predicts the risk of cardiovascular disease over a 5-year period.  In 2001, Reaven's group published an even more striking follow-up result from the same cohort (1).  This study shows that not only does insulin resistance predict cardiovascular disease risk, it also predicts a variety of age-related diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and even overall mortality risk.

Read more »

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Do You Make These Dried Fruit Snacking Mistakes?

Tell me, do you pick out those fruity bits in trail mix concerned over calories or don't give it a second thought and dig around for them as they are your favorite part of the ensemble?  Dried fruit does offer access to vitamins, minerals and fiber, after all, and consuming it, studies show, is associated with higher nutrient intake and less obesity. So why all the push back on dried fruit? Why such a bad rap?

Snack wisely and follow these 3 simple guidelines to eating dried fruit to provide you with plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Despite the calorie concerns, I say, you really can keep dried fruit around and dig in. Look below for a few reasons why you should as well as a simple little strategy to keep dried fruit in your diet and how to do it right.

Create a Little Room For Dried Fruits

Here are a few reasons why dried fruit can be a good thing to take up space in your pantry:

It's fresh fruit - just without the water.  Fruit is a healthy choice and if you choose your dried fruits wisely (see tips below), dried fruit enjoys the very benefits of fresh - just with the water removed.  In fact, dehydration in some cases can cause some nutrients in the fruit to become even more concentrated and nutritious, says this study.

Your digestion may improve.  The high fiber in some dried fruits are effective in treating some digestive issues - especially prunes and dried figs.

Some nutrients are very high.  Prunes, dried apricots and raisins contain a large amount of iron.

Reach for bright colors to pump up your immunity.  The yellow and orange dried fruits like pineapple, apricots and papaya are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, which strengthen the immune system and are good for the skin and hair.

It's great for the backpack. Dried fruit doesn't spoil as quickly and is an easy snack to pack, especially for activities like hiking where access to food is sometimes difficult.

But, pay attention to this . . . 

Less water makes more calories and sugar.  The naysayers are right in that dried fruits are higher in calories and sugar content because they are more concentrated once the water has been removed. Weight for weight, fresh fruit will have fewer calories than its dehydrated version.

How to Do Dried Fruit Just Right

Just remember these three little things when it comes to eating and cooking with dried fruit to avoid the pitfalls of eating it and to keep it a healthy choice for you and your family:

1.  Keep portion size small. A single serving of fresh fruit is generally 1 cup, but when fruit has been dehydrated, a single serving is cut in half - or a half a cup.

2.  Choose organic.  For the very reasons that you choose organic fresh fruit, it applies to dried fruit as well. The pesticides used may be harmful to your health.

3.  Look for a very short ingredient list.  Yup! Just fruit - nothing else. Ensure there are no added sugars (especially often with cherries and cranberries) as well as no sulfur dioxide which can cause asthma symptoms or sulfite allergies and sensitivities but is used to retain the color of some fruits.

And, two extra little suggestions . . . 

Make it a convenience thing.  Eat fruit fresh when you can, pack dried fruit when spoilage or access to fresh is not possible.

Do it yourself. If you want to make your own dried fruit, here are the top 10 dehydrators you may want to consider to get you started.

Do you snack on dried fruit? Have a favorite brand or do you make your own?

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39 Surefire Ways To Be A More Interesting Person

Don't let your life get ho-hum! 39 surefire ideas to bring some excitement, grow as a person, expand your life and be the most interesting person in the room! The Health-Minded.com
Day in, day out doing the "same old, same old" can get, well, . . . same old. So, if life lately is about as exciting as watching paint dry or even watching your grass grow, there is plenty you can do about that. Even a small introduction of something or someone new can stimulate your life enough to shift it into the expansive one that you want to lead.

Of course, everyone is different when it comes to just how stimulating and interesting you want your life to be to feel your best. For example, productivity at work settings can really vary for people. Some relish an open layout with co-workers buzzing about throwing around ideas, but others find a quiet office induces their highest level of creativity. Where you fall on the spectrum of introversion versus extroversion does not necessarily define your desire for stimulation, though, as introverts may find books or an activity with one or two just as fulfilling as a room full of people to talk to that an extrovert may find more to his or her liking.

But whichever it is, finding that sweet spot for you to do your best work, establish new interests, expand your mind, learn new things and connect better with others is crucial for you to leading that balanced, healthy and enriching life you desire.

Why Stimulation is Important For Your Health

Here are a few reasons why keeping your life fresh is so important:

1.  You must start early.  

Studies show childhood stimulation is critical for brain development.

2.  And, keep it up.  

Adults don't get a pass either as stimulation in adulthood is very important as well to maintain top cognitive abilities. Continue to exercise your brain throughout your life with new experiences, people, hobbies and more.

3.  Stimulation aides in helping us feel satisfied and fulfilled. 

Taking on a new project or job and working with new people, traveling to a new place and experiencing various cultures helps us understand ourselves and others - all extremely satisfying and expanding.  Performing the same job or task the same way every time or traveling to the same place year after year can sometimes be limiting.  Perhaps expanding your comfort zone to a new place or new project is just what your emotional, creative and intellectual side needs to recharge and feel more satisfied.

4.  New experiences help us aim to do better in life.

Stimulating your mind and senses with new experiences or challenging yourself to learn a new skill can add a whole new dimension to your life. You will feel enriched when working towards a new goal and your curiosity is piqued when you allow others to show you something you never knew. All these new experiences could very well make you aim higher to do better and grow an interest or passion you never new was there.

5.  Stimulation helps us see our own value as well as the value in others.

Learning new things and being exposed to others and their ideas and talents helps you find your own passions and dreams.  You may discover a hidden talent by allowing others to show you new things or you, in turn, can introduce others to new experiences that may change how they feel and live their lives.

6.  Sharing is growing.

It is incredibly enriching to our all our relationships to share experiences together and helps us appreciate each other's qualities and our various perspectives. Having a strong social network reduces isolation and stress and stimulates the brain through shared learning experiences and emotional connections. Even if you already have a good group of friends, you will likely experience stronger social connections with shared experiences.

Don't let your life get ho-hum! 39 surefire ideas to bring some excitement, grow as a person and exapnd your life! (TheHealthMinded.com) #health

39 Ideas To Grow As a Person and Expand Your Life

No excuses to be a snore! There are plenty of ideas here (for introverts and extroverts) to make your life more interesting and some of them don't cost you a cent!  Here are several ways (some small and some not so small) to get organized and take the steps to do just that to create a more dynamic life for yourself:

1.   Be a pupil. Enrolling in a class is a great way to meet new people, challenge yourself, and acquire a new skill or knowledge.  What have you always had an interest in as a child? Try it now. Or, go back to school for that degree you always wanted.

2.  Take on a new project. At work or at home, enhance that part of your life with a new project. After all, if you job is getting ho-hum, perhaps it is your task to try and make it more interesting and fulfilling.

3.  Become well-read. Make a list of books you have always wanted to read. Now is the time to start. Download or check one out at your local library and begin with the first one.  This electronic reader is a great way to access just about anything that intrigues you and learn more about it! Make a goal of one a month or whatever you feel you can do.  Create a time each day that you read - on the subway to work and back, 10 minutes before bed every night, etc. Stick to the plan and you will be surprised how even 10 minutes a day how many books you will end up reading and expanding your mind with new ideas.

Don't miss this: ideas for a few types of reading lists you may want to check out.

4.  Create a group. Take your interest in reading a step further and create or join a book group. Combine reading with the social aspect of discussing your book to gain social benefits, too.

5.  Be a movie critic.  Create a list of documentaries or movies you want to see.  This is so helpful when you establish "movie night" at your house and you don't take 30 minutes to search all your options.  (Or, is my family the only one that does that??) Watch them alone or with a like-minded friend who shares your taste in movies.  Throw in a few odd ones, too, to mix it up!

6.   Have less than stimulating work to do? Start a timer and challenge yourself to perform the task faster.  Get others to help so that you have someone to talk do while doing the task and it will go by faster.

7.   Enhance your sense of smell. Burn a clean-burning scented candle while your work or try aromatherapy to brighten your senses. Learn about essential oils and aromatherapy and how it can offer health benefits.

8.  Learn a new word each day.  We used to have a chalkboard in our breakfast room with a "word of the week" for our family to learn each week.  I admit, sometimes those words stretched out longer than a week but it was fun to challenge my children to use those words in a sentence. I think we all expanded our vocabulary as I didn't know some of them myself! I think I will start that again!

9. Redecorate. Redo a room that you spend a lot of time in or start that home renovation you have always been hoping to do. Start now and begin collecting room designs you like from magazines and Pinterst. Interview an architect and contractor to see about costs, etc.

Don't miss this: Finding your personal taste in designing your space.

10.  Plant a vegetable, herb or flower garden.  Even a potted one on a patio is a way to do it. Taste the foods you’ve grown or appreciate the color and beauty of the flowers you nurtured.

11.  Play with music. Learn to play a musical instrument, how to read music, or take a music theory class. Choose a new radio station with a music you do not typically listen to and play in your car or while you make dinner.

Don't miss this: places to get great playlists for free and why music is good for your health.

12.  Switch up your exercise routine. Try a new sport, new gym or new exercise group for your level - beginner to triathlete.

13.  Make a list of day trips or affordable weekend getaways.  Choose one and begin planning it now.

14.  Rediscover the lost art of writing letters.  Find beautiful stationary and hand-write a letter to an old friend or relative dear to you.

15.  Switch hands. Try using your less dominant hand for simple tasks like eating or writing. Changing hands really stimulates the brain.

16.  Get a pet or adopt one. Or, train the one you have and enrich your pet's life, too!

17.  Learn to cook more healthily. The connection between what goes in your body and how you feel and how your brain performs is a strong one.

Don't miss this: Lots of healthy recipe links here. 

18.  Start a dinner club. Assemble six or eight people. Have each person bring one dish and alternate homes for hosting.

19.  Volunteer in your community. This could be with your animal shelter, hospital, library, local theatre, etc.  Giving back is a most satisfying experience.

20.  Schedule a regular massage for yourself.  Or learn more about massage with this. Enjoy the tactile sensation of a professional working out the stress and tension in your muscles. The relaxation it brings may bring on your most creative ideas yet!

21.  Join a club or sign up for Meet-Ups in your area. You are sure to find a group with similar interests as you and the activities are planned.

22. Study a foreign language. Revive that high school language you took and plan a trip to a country where they speak it.

23.  Checkmate. Learn how to play chess or find a chess partner if you already know how.

24.  Improve productivity. Reorganize a part of your home that frustrates you or slows you down in achieving your goals.  For example, a pantry reorganization can help you achieve your healthier eating goals with the right foods at your fingertips.

Don't miss this: How to declutter your space easily for a more productive life.

25.  Check out an art show, art museum or local exhibit. Just walking among the great works can get your creativity and appreciation flowing.

26.  Shuffle some cards. Playing cards is a fun and social experience. Learn you constellations with a pair like this!  Find some card-playing partners and set up a weekly or monthly card date.

27.  Try a new form of art expression.  Learning a new art form doesn’t require that you have talent, just an interest to learn. Study the art of photography, painting, graphic design, or how to throw pottery.

28.  Travel somewhere new. Exploring different cultures and breaking out of your routine this way really sharpens the mind and stimulates all your sesnses.

Don't miss this: How to make your travel dreams come true.

29.  Attend a show. Do some research and plan a concert series or see a play or two. Ask a friend or group and get tickets this week.

30.  Stuck on how to go about a bigger change? Seek help - a health coach, career coach or counselor may help you find your path and how to get there.

31.  Try a new restaurant or type of food each weekend.  Ethnic restaurants are everywhere. Read about them and their best dishes before you go.

32.  Romanic life a bit wanting? Join a dating group and let your friends and co-workers know you are open to meeting new people.

33.  Find your sense of personal style. Learn about fashion and design or sew a piece of clothing for yourself.

34.  Make a contact. Pick up the phone and call a friend you have lost contact with to reestablish that friendship and make plans to call again or meet up.

35.  Coach a youth team. Share your sport passions with the young to spark their interest, too.

36.  Write a book, a blog, poetry or even start a journal.  Share it with others, get it published or just keep it for yourself!

37.  Research your past and ancestry. Find out more about your relatives and where they lived and how you got here. Document it for future family members to read.

38.  Initiate and plan a reunion. What is a favorite group that has lost contact?  This could be family members, old college buddies, your favorite neighborhood gang - whomever you would like to see again.

39.  Teach a class. You can create one to publish on-line or teach at the university or community center level. Share you talents and skills with others and watch the expansion multiply!

When Life Is Stimulating Enough

All this talk about creating more stimulation, I know, can be the last thing you need at certain times in your life.  I know I have felt that way at times saying, "I have plenty on my plate - thank you very much! No new experiences needed at this time."  I get that.  If that is the case, and you are feeling over-stimulated and over-worked, do the opposite, of course.

Tone it down to make your life more relaxing and less stressful. Here are a few ideas to dial it down:
  • Eliminate what you can and simplify life to the essentials. 
  • Tell others you are taking a break and won't be texting, calling, or socializing for a bit.
  • Listen to soft music or nature sounds or even choose stillness and total silence. 
  • Eat healthy foods simply prepared.
  • Work in solitude or in a place that relaxes you, where you won’t be interrupted. 
  • Take a hot detox bath (like this one).
  • Meditate to achieve better focus and calmness.
  • Try a relaxing form of exercise to quiet the mind (like one of these.)
What have you done in your life to expand yourself lately? Care to share it and add to the list?

For Even More On The Topic . . .

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