Farmers' Market Mini-Guide: Creating A Great Shopping Experience

For myself, I might even classify going to the farmers' market as an event! Eating locally carries health and environmental advantages certainly, but actually shopping there where you can connect with the growers and farmers is in a class of intangible benefits all on its own.  Come see why this way of shopping has so many advantages and how to do it right.

Farmers' markets are an optimal way to shop for the freshest, most delicious and healthiest produce, meats, and bakery items! Tap here to learn the best questions to ask the growers, where to find the best markets and lots more to make your shopping experience your best!

I like the energy at farmers' markets as well as the relaxed atmosphere.  I enjoy the fact it is outdoors and there is often a band playing of some kind. I like seeing what is in season that week and learning why the farmers choose to grow what they do and how to best prepare it.  I go to the regular food markets as well during the week, but I do like to patronize the locals where I can.  Somehow, the experience at the farmers market is just nicer than stacking items on a conveyer belt and scanning a bar code.

There are plenty more reasons to go to your local farmers' market listed further below as well as some other bits of guidance to make your experience valuable and worth coming back for week after week! Scan on down and don't miss the links of other great bits, too, to help you get the most out of your time there.

Why You Should Make a Habit of Going to Your Local Farmers' Market

Besides that big "feel good" benefit, there are plenty of other reasons to consider heading over to your local market or even buying from a community grower. Look at some of these reasons that can benefit you, your community and others:

1.  It supports those beautiful open farmlands and pastures.

We all appreciate gazing at those in our area, don't we?  If the local farms are financially successful, they do not sell out to commercial development.

Don't miss this:  New markets are frequently opening up all over the country.  Go here to find a list of markets and growers in your area.

2.  You can get the best dinner ideas. 

Don't have a clue what to make for dinner?  No problem.  Just wander through the market and you will get inspired.  Talk to the growers as they will tell you the simplest and most delicious ways to prepare their produce and why they are so good for you.

3.  The food is fresher and riper and much, much tastier.  

That is because it is fresher and riper.  The produce is often picked the morning of the market.

Don't miss this:  Your number one tip to make all your food taste fantastic!

4.  More nutrients are present in the fresher and riper foods. 

There are higher levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients in just picked foods ripened naturally.

Don't miss this: Studies say nutrient levels in foods may be higher in organic and fresh foods.

Make your shopping experience at your local farmers' market the best with these great tips to tap into! (The #health

5.  The food is seasonal and sometimes much cheaper.

Strawberries in seasonal June are much cheaper than strawberries at your supermarket in off-seasonal January.  

6.  The free samples are . . . free!

Bring your hunger as that grower may provide samples of those odd looking vegetables you have never tried before.  You may just find a new one to lengthen your list of likes.

7.  You can meet new foods.

The types of seasonal foods and other goods can be abundant. You can find items there not available in the regular stores.

8.  Pick up a stunning flower arrangement to cheer your space.

The most beautiful wild flower selections can be found that will instantly brighten a spot at your house.

9.  Treat yourself to a home-baked good.

Often there is a great selection of homey baked goods and all types of healthful breads are available to bring home. The jams and types of local honey are delicious, too.  

10.  You are helping grow a small business.

No middleman is involved, which leaves a higher profit margin for the farmers and growers, which keeps them coming back to the market in the first place.

    Organic food can be a wise choice for many reasons. Make sure to ask these 4 questions to your growers when shopping for it to ensure you are getting what you are seeking.(The #health #organic

    How to Ensure The Food Is Really Organic

    Get to know your growers! They like connecting with you just as much and want to see what you like, what you want to see more of and how they can do better.

    If seeking organic produce, let your growers know it is important to you.  And, if they claim their food is organic, here are some pointed questions to ask to ensure you are getting what you are seeking:

    1.  Is this produce certified organic or certified naturally grown? 

    You might also ask, depending on the answer, do you have any documentation such as the organic certification certificate?

    Don't miss this: A new organic certification for the small grower you should know about!

    2.  If not, why?

    It costs a lot of money to become USDA organic certified for larger growers, thus, the grower may have chosen not to pursue it. See the link above regarding an alternative: certified naturally grown.

    3.  Did you grow this food and if so, with what chemicals?

    Some farmers use legitimate organic growing practices but choose not to enter the certification process (as mentioned above).  However, not everyone is upfront as without certification, there's no one checking.   The term "no spray" should be questioned further as there are no regulatory requirements for this term.

    4.  May I stop by your farm? 

    You may or may not be able to do so or even be interested, but even if you don't have time to visit the farm, it's always a good sign if your farmer is open to the idea of having visitors and questions.

    Farmers' markets can be a whole lot of fun and a great way to shop! Before you go, though, make sure you bring along these 3 things to make the experience count! (The #health

    3 Things To Bring Along to Your Local Farmers' Market

    Besides your appetite, here are some things to grab before you go:

    1.  Something to carry your goods.  

    A bag or two from home, a basket or a tote all work well.  Also, individual baggies can be helpful, too, for the individual produce and it can help save the landfill.

    2.  Green backs and change. 

    Cash is always accepted as some growers only take cash - no credit.

    3.  Your open mind.  

    You never know what strange or even ugly looking vegetable or fruit you may see that could develop into a seasonal favorite.  You may even make a friend along the way at the market as well.

    So, what is your favorite way to eat locally in your area? Tried anything new that you liked or didn't like? How did you prepare it?

      Note:  This post appeared previously here at THM but was updated and enhanced to provide more current information.
      Featured on Urban Naturalle, Debbie in Shapre.

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      Natural Beauty: Summer Care For Gorgeous Hair

      The sun, the breeze and that salt-water air -- nothing beats a day at the beach to rejuvenate oneself! But, it is anything BUT rejuvenating to our hair!  All those natural elements can make those silky strands more like straw.  And, if you use blow dryers, hair straighteners, colorants or other products, as well, they only add to the detrimental effects.

      It only takes a few easy measures to protect that beautiful head of hair, though. Come take a peek and find out what you can do to keep your hair bouncy and full of life before, during and after time at the beach.

      How To Keep Your Hair Shiny and Lush in the Summer

      I wrote about foods to pack to eat at the beach to protect your skin, but here are a few other things to throw in your bag as well as some healthy strategies to follow, too, to keep your hair shiny and lush:

      1.  Be mysterious.

      Find a hat or two to cover your hair and your scalp from sunburn and to even prevent skin cancer. Block out that damaging ultraviolet light (UVL) exposure. Your face and eyes are better protected, too. greatly reducing skin aging and skin cancer.

      Don't miss this:  Make sure those peeps are properly protected from sun damage and aging and ensure your sunglasses have these qualities.

      2.  Find an outside shower.

      Outside showers scream summer and don't pass up a chance to rinse off in one whenever you can to cast away the salt or chlorine from your hair.   Put some conditioner on the ends, too, to counterbalance the exposure to the sun.

      3.  Switch brands. 

      Change your shampoo for the summer to a milder one and wash scalp and not ends every time you shampoo.

      Don't miss this:  Ingredients that can harm and to stay away from in your shampoo selection.

      The sun, salt-water and chlorine can really damage those locks! Tap here for easy, natural ways to keep that head of hair shiny and silky all summer long.  (The #beauty #health

      4.  Keep the blow dryers at home.

      Allow your hair to air-dry to avoid more exposure to heat and increase breakage.

      5.  Schedule a trim before you take off. 

      Just trimming an inch before heading to the beach can do wonders to cut down on snarls that can form from dry ends waving in the wind at the beach.

      6.  Leave it in.  

      Days in the sun can lead to breakage, split-ends, and frizz. Go for the wet ,brushed-back look and spray some conditioner or light oil serums in your hair to smooth and protect it.  See more about post hydration tricks with some stuff you probably already have in your kitchen further below.

      7.  Bring it up.

      Put hair up so that it won't tangle as much from wind and breezes near the water and cause damage.

      Don't miss this:  Fun hair styles at the beach (with tutorials).

      Counteract those dry strands from a day in the sun with these 2-ingredient homemade natural hair masks to bring your hair back to life in minutes! (The #beauty #health

      2 Easy, Two-Ingredient, DIY, Hydrating Hair Masks

      Counteract those snarls and dry strands and bring your hair back to life with one of these easy 2-ingredient hair masks to whip up and slather on after a day in the sun:

      1. Mashed Avocado and Olive Oil

      • 1 small avocado or 1/2 large one
      • 2 tablespoons olive oil
      plastic shower cap

      Now do this:
      • Scoop out the avocado and put in bowl.  Blend or mash until very smooth.  No lumps.  
      • Drizzle olive oil over the avocado and blend very well.  
      • Drape a towel over your shoulders.
      • Apply the mixture to your hair, especially the ends.
      • Cover your head with the plastic shower cap.
      • Go do something relaxing and wait for at least 15 -30 minutes. 
      • Shampoo lightly and rinse well.  
      • Follow with conditioner.

      2.  Coconut Oil and Egg

      • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
      • 1 egg
      plastic shower cap

      Now do this:
      • Melt a few tablespoons of coconut oil to just warm. A minute in the sun works great!
      • Crack egg into bowl and mix well.
      • Place towel over shoulders
      • Apply the mixture to your hair, especially the ends.
      • Cover your head with the plastic shower cap.
      • Go do something relaxing and wait for at least 15 -30 minutes. 
      • Shampoo lightly and rinse well.  
      • Follow with conditioner.
      Any favorite hair tips for summer time that you care to add to the comments? Please do!

      Need a bit more?

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      Kitchen Towel Tricks For Making Superior Meals

      Something you will find in almost every kitchen - well-equipped or not -- is a kitchen towel or two.  In my case, there are too many to count! I have a whole drawer of them as I rarely toss them, keeping the older and rattier ones for certain messier jobs like some of those listed further down and my nicer ones to display.  But, kitchen towels aren't just for clean-up time - they are a great little sidekick to making your meal prep easier and a lot tastier, too.  Come check out these simple tricks to do just that and a bit of advice on how to best care for them as well to prevent spreading unwanted illness at your house!

      Those humble kitchen towels can be your best secret to great meals and do so much more than drying dishes! Grab them now for your easiest meal prep and much tastier recipes with these tips.

      10 Great Uses For Kitchen Dish Towels 

      Get skillful with those humble towels and try some of these tricks to make your meal prep easier as well as tastier:

      1.  Don't water it down.  

      Make those zucchini or potato pancakes or those yummy spinach pies your best! Wring out excess water from those veggies and here is how: place your shredded potatoes or zucchini or cooked greens in the center of the kitchen towel and roll up and twist each end in opposite directions over your sink. Squeeze out excess water that could ruin the taste and texture of your dish.

      2.  Stop the slide.  

      Place a towel under your cutting board to keep it from sliding around and the knife from cutting the wrong thing . . . like your finger!

      3.  Make your salad much crisper. 

      Place your just-washed greens in a towel and store in the fridge until dinnertime. They'll turn extra-crunchy as they dry.

      Don't miss this:  A lot of great healthy salad choices to create tonight. 

      4.  Get a better whip.

      Whip the towel around in the air to form a snake and wrap it around the bottom of your mixing bowl to keep it from rocking around when whisking is called for in your recipe such as in a salad dressing, cream, etc.

      5.  Make your best pot of rice.

      Cooking grains ahead a bit?  Off the heat, drape a dish taut over the pot of cooked grains and put the lid back on.  The towel will absorb the excess moisture that can form so that your rice or other grain does not get gummy or watery.

      6.  Serve it warm.  

      Wrap your fresh baked bread or tortillas in a towel to keep it warm at serving time.

      7.  Add a nice touch.

      Wrap a gift (cooking related, of course) in a new kitchen towel tied with a pretty ribbon.

      8.  Get the most rise.

      Drape a towel over a bowl of rising bread dough.

      9.  Cook like the pros and make clean-up faster.

      Ever notice chefs clean-up their prep boards as they go?  And did you note they were using kitchen towels to do just that?  Every time you finish a task on your cutting board, wipe away with a slightly damp towel all the crumbs so that you are ready for the next task.  Same goes for your knife -  using a towel folded several times to wipe the blade.  Carefully please!  This is not a good idea with any contaminants such as meat or poultry or fish, etc.  That requires a clean cutting board and disposable towels. 

      Don't miss this:  Here are 21 other great tips to making kitchen clean-up go a whole lot faster so that you can spend time doing more fun things.

      10.  Presentation counts.

      Kitchen towels that are in better shape are great to line a breakfast tray or use as napkins for an outdoor messy barbecue or casual party.

      11.  Make dry-time effective.  

      Can't forget drying all those dishes you created, of course!  But, don't forget to throw the towel in your washer after the task right away.  See more about why you'll be glad you did below!

      Of all the towels we use each day, the kitchen towels should get the most careful care.  Dirty kitchen towels, studies show, harbor harmful bacteria you do not want to ingest.  Try these easy guidelines to keeping those useful towels from harming you:

      How to Take Care Of Kitchen Towels To Avoid Getting Sick

      As shown by their many uses above, kitchen towels  -- great!  The bacteria they can harbor -- not so much! Of all the towels we use each day, the kitchen towels should get the most careful care.  Dirty kitchen towels, studies like this show, harbor lots of harmful bacteria you do not want to ingest.  Here are some guidelines and easy solutions to keeping those useful towels from harming you:

      1.  Change daily. 

      The answer is simple: after use, throw your towels in the laundry pile and reach for a new one.  Put out fresh towels each day.

      Don't miss this:  How to do your laundry toxin-free.

      2.  Buy in bulk.

      All that towel changing requires a lot of towels and can get expensive so, if you like, keep your decorative or fancy towels for looks, but the workhorse kitchen towels that actually dry your hands and help you cook can be purchased inexpensively in bulk.  That is why I rarely throw one away.  I keep my older ones for cooking tasks that I use frequently and take out a fresh from my pile of clean towels to prepare the meal I am working on.

      Don't miss this:  Buy a bunch of towels through the mail or at your local warehouse store for an inexpensive solution to having a clean towel ready at all times.

      3.  Separate tasks.

      Keep the towels you use to wash your hands separate from a towel you use for a cooking task. A lot of bacteria can be transposed from your hands to the towel and you don't want to, in turn, transpose that onto your food and into you! Perhaps different towel locations in the kitchen or various colors or patterns could help differentiate the uses.

      4.  Reach for another tool.

      Use a sponge or paper towel to clean your sink as the kitchen sink is one of the germiest spots in the kitchen.  And, while we are speaking of sponges, after use, sponges should either go right into the top rack of the dishwasher or get zapped in the microwave to kill harmful bacteria.

      Use disposable towels for meat, poultry and fish residue. The risk is just too great for salmonella or other harmful bacteria exposrue and you don't want to spread that in your washing machine either.
      If you use harsh cleaning products to clean your kitchen, use disposable options as well as you do not want to inject cleaning chemicals as well into your food or you.

      Don't miss this: Think about non-toxic ways to clean your kitchen like these, too.

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        Quick Guide: Prepare Your Best Healthy Fish Recipes

        buying fish, fish, fish buying tipsWhile contemplating what to make for dinner at the market a while ago, the fish monger said to me, "This delicious halibut just came in this morning! And it is in season!"

        "Say again, please? In season? We're discussing fish and you used the words "in season?"

        He certainly did! And, that day I learned that fish . . . along with produce . . .  can be "in season."  Maybe you were already knowledgable of that, but I wasn't!  There are more details on what I learned about that a bit further down the post, but first, here are some other important healthy facts to remember when purchasing seafood as well as a healthy recipe for you to try, too.

        3 Best Tips For Buying Fish 

        Many of you may be near the shorelines vacationing now or perhaps another time this year and for those readers who eat fish and shellfish, you will find here a few tips on purchasing it to make those dishes turn out your best and help you avoid unnecessary toxins.  I wrote about shopping at farmers markets here with tips on why and how to include them in your life.  But, today, I offer additional shopping advice.  I am also including some useful links as well that just may help you create the healthiest and tastiest fish or seafood dinners at your house.

        1.  Quality and freshness are critical!

        I spoke about food quality - an important shopping and cooking tip here. Your food's degree of freshness has a lot to do with how delicious (and even nutritious) your meals turn out. When shopping, do ask your fish monger questions like these to make sure you are getting the best:
        • When did the fish you are interested in came in and was it previously frozen? 
        • What would he/she recommend? 
        • This next question may seem odd, but fish mongers are used to this next tip: ask the fish monger to take the fish out so that you can smell it yourself.  Fresh catch should only smell like the sea, never sour or give an off-putting odor.  
        • If you buy whole fish, make sure the eyes are not dull or cloudy meaning it is past its better days.
        • Do you have any suggestions how to best prepare it? (The people behind the counter usually have lots of great tips and recipes, too!)

        2.  Read the signs.

        Many of the more reputable fish mongers have signs for the Marine Stewardship Council indicating sustainable sourcing.  Click here for more information on sustainable fish and the better choices.

        Those signs should also contain information on whether the fish is wild caught or farm raised. The differences between the wild and farm raised fish are provided here as the nutrient values can vary as well as contaminants and sustainability issues. too.  See the next section below for more information on fish to avoid due to contaminants.

        3.  Timing is everything.

        Just like the fish monger said: the produce at those beautiful markets or from your own garden have seasons, but fish have seasons, too.  Life span and migration patterns can determine the optimal times to prepare certain kinds of fish.  Again, just like your fruits and vegetables, consuming fish that is "in season" will always taste superior.  It is usually less expensive as well. This chart tells you which fish is in season and where. For example, salmon and halibut are is season now and I see sales on them this time of year frequently.

        Mercury and Pollutant Levels In Fish And Why You Should Pay Attention

        It is a sad thing that our oceans contain chemicals and contaminants that they shouldn't.  And, of course, that trickles down to its inhabitants. Most fish contain some mercury, and some contain a lot. Generally speaking, the larger the fish, the larger the amount of mercury. Also, fish that eat other fish fit in that category as well. Here are some considerations on this topic:

        1.  Three questions to narrow it down.

        If fish and shellfish are part of your diet, the amount of mercury you are exposed to depends on this:
        • What kind of fish do you eat?
        • How often do you eat it?
        • How much do you eat?

        2. Certain groups are of a special concern.

        Pregnant and lactating women as well as children need to be especially careful about consuming fish. Here is more detailed information on that.

        3.  Highest levels should be avoided.

        The fish with the highest amount of mercury or other pollutants in them are below (as well as depicted in the graphic). Note on the list a favorite of many and usually a healthy choice for omega 3s: salmon.  But it is the farm-raised salmon that could potentially have high levels of PCBs with more details here on that distinction.
        • marlin
        • swordfish
        • tuna (Ahi and Bigeye)
        • farm-raised salmon (potentially high PCBs)
        • mackerel
        • tilefish
        • shark
        • orange roughy

        fish, high pollutants and mercury in fish

        4.  Here is an important link to click.

        Unfortunately, food shopping can become a cumbersome task to make the healthiest choices, but there is lots of research to help.  For more detailed and current information on which fish have the most, least and moderate amounts of mercury, click on over here

        Recipe:  Grilled Fish in Parchment with Lime and Chili

        From a New England seafood bake to a poached cod with saffron and tomato, fish recipes abound. But, grilling is one of my favorite ways to prepare it and I offer one way I like to do it here.   This is quick and the sauce can be made ahead.

        Serves 4.

        • 1/4 cup coconut sugar 
        • 1/2 inch hunk of ginger
        • 3 stalks of rough chopped fresh lemongrass, tender inner cores of the bottom third only
        • 2 medium shallots
        • 2 garlic cloves
        • 3/4 teaspoon chili flakes
        • 1/3 cup fresh lime juice
        • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
        • 1 tablespoon high smoke oil like avocado oil
        • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro with 3 tablespoons reserved for garnish
        • 4 medium sized white fish fillets of choice
        • Pink salt 
        • blender
        • unbleached parchment paper
        • foil

        Now do this

        • In a blender, place first 10 ingredients and pulse until chopped and blended well to make a sauce. Add more oil 1 teaspoon at a time, if needed.
        • Taste and adjust seasonings.
        • Create four packets each of parchment paper and tin foil that will contain each fish fillet.  Make sure the foil squares are larger by at least two inches on each side than the parchment paper.
        • In the center of each parchment square, place a fish piece in the center of the packet.
        • Drizzle a few tablespoons of sauce over each. Sprinkle with salt.
        • Fold up the parchment paper over the fish piece.
        • Then place parchment square in the center of each piece of foil and crimp foil around parchment packet to create a seal.
        • Grill the packets over moderately high heat until the fish is barely opaque in the center - maybe 3 minutes per side.
        • When ready to serve, open packets and drizzle extra sauce over the fish and sprinkle with chopped cilantro. 

        But if this flavor combination does not float your boat, cyberspace is loaded with fish and shellfish recipes.  For starters, click here and here.

        Do you have a favorite catch of the day and recipe to share?  Please go ahead and provide a link to your food blog with one for us all to try.

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        What Properties Make a Food "Addictive"?

        Although the concept of food addiction remains controversial, there's no doubt that specific foods can provoke addiction-like behaviors in susceptible people.  Yet not all foods have this effect, suggesting that it's related to specific food properties.  A new study aims to identify the properties that make a food "addictive".


        Read more »

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        Creating a Rich Social Life and Making Your Best Friends

        A full social life and deep connections are key to living the healthy life! Look here for the steps to take to create your best social life and fun ideas to get you started!
        The connections we form, the friends we make and keep, the family life we create -- all of that, in my opinion, is what makes life worth living and, by the way, plays an enormous part in living the healthy life! Have you caught the many studies and other articles discussing it's significant impact on both our physical and mental health?

        If you have more friends than you can count - the kind you consider "high quality" - and other deep relationships -- wonderful! You are very blessed.  But, I must ask: have you ever, at some point in your life, found yourself with less than a stellar social life or even a small circle of people to call true blue?  Life is full of changes that can negatively impact our social lives and cause it to wither.  I know I have found myself feeling a bit friendless when many of my "besties" moved far away. Maybe you, too. So, how did that happen? And, more importantly, how to fix it?  Let's explore that a bit and if you want to improve your social circle - even just a little - let's get on with it! After all, if you want a great social life and better connections,  it is up to you to make it happen!

        How A Social Life Can Go South

        There are so many ways someone can find themselves with an unsatisfying social life. Do any of these situations feel familiar:
        • You've moved to a new city and don't know many people yet -- if any.
        • You've been in a long-term relationship or changed your marital status and have let your social life dangle.
        • Good friends have moved away, began demanding careers or started a family and just are not available much any more.
        • Current friends don't match your lifestyle or values.  
        • You're different - you seek to be around people more.
        • You are shy and find friend-making difficult.
        • You made some mistakes with a friend or two and took the friendships for granted.
        Of course, there are other reasons too, but whatever the reason, we are here to move past it. 

        How to Become a Great Friend-Maker

        I've noticed people who are really good at making friends naturally tend to do a few things. If you mimic their behavior, you just may become "one of them," too:

        1.  They look around.

        Good friend-makers draw on current contacts. Here are some places where some great friends may be hiding for you that you may not have considered:
        • Acquaintances you're friendly with when you run into each other, but who you do not see regularly
        • People at work or in your activities who you get along with
        • Friends of people you've gotten along with in the past
        • Those who have extended invitations, but for some reason you were not free
        • Friends you've gradually lost contact with 
        • Relatives with your interests or in your age group

        2. They put their hand out.

        Good friend-makers extend invitations and don't think too hard about it or worry too much about being rejected. They make the gesture to do something together with people that interest them. Simple, right? Well, I know it is not always easy to be the first to stick your neck out. But, remember all those people can think you are interesting and great to be around, but if you don't take any actions to do something with them, then you won't form new relationships and make friends. Instead, those people will remain as the nice guy with the great dog you see in the dog park every weekend, the fun woman in your yoga class or friendly neighbor you pass in the hall and complain about the noise together.

        Yup, maybe it should be you to take it beyond the acquaintance stage. If you want more friends, you must put in the effort.  If you're bored on the weekend, get in touch with various people and put something together yourself, or find a way to be included in others' plans.  Let others know you're interested.

        3.  They say yes. 

        Skilled friend-makers accept most invites. If you are trying to expand your social circle and someone asks you to hang out, score!  Go do it.  Don't turn down a chance to get out there with people.  Ignore those thoughts it may not be fun, and go anyway. You never know! I can tell you I was basically forced to go out with my girlfriends one night many years ago and I met my husband that night! And, on another occasion, I insisted my husband go to an event with me and he made a great business connection that day! As I said, you just never know!

        4.  They keep building.

        If the tennis match was fun or drinks sparked a great conversation or points of interest, good friend makers keep in touch and try again. Of course, not all friendships have to be deep ones, but over time a tighter relationship with some of the people you meet can happen with more experiences and time together.

        One or two good friends may be all you need for a great social life -- others may want more. However, either way you will most likely begin meeting friend's friends expanding possibilities as well if that is what you seek.

        Key Points to Create a Great Social Life

        Keep these other points in mind when creating that great social life of yours:

        1.  Don't be too choosy.  

        First impressions may not always be correct.  For example, if your initial goal is to get some sort of social life going after moving to a new town, try being open-minded to do activities with anyone you seem to get along with. The first people you meet may not be your ideal friends, but it could lead to them.  You can always decide later if it is a good match or not.  And, don't let age, gender or social status lead your decisions either.  Some of the best connections I had at work were with coworkers much older than I.

        2.  Don't get discouraged easily.

        Sometimes the party will be a bust, sometimes you just won't click, sometimes people behave badly. We have all been there. Do not take it personally, keep the big picture in mind and begin again.

        3.  Be patient.

        It is so important to realize that it will take time to form real friendships.
        Going from having no plans,to having that established contact list on your phone for people to engage with or make plans is for the long haul and usually reflects your efforts or a whole lot of luck!

        Get your social life in gear and try 15 of these suggestions to start having more fun, making great connections and bettering your mental health and mood!

        15 Actionable Ideas on How To Bump Up Your Social Life 

        Here are some tangible ideas (some large, some small) to get you started on improving that social life of yours and sharing all the wonderfulness of you:

        1.  Join in.

        Research meet ups in your area and find a few to try over the next month or two . . . or even start one yourself!

        Don't miss this:  Look up meet-ups in your area here.

        2.  Make it right.  

        If you wronged a friend in the past, fix it! Apologize and try to begin again! Don't let wonderful people get away if you can help it. Your relationship may even be stronger afterwards.

        3.  Plan a regular shin-dig.

        Schedule a yearly party you want to host either at home or in a park or restaurant or even an ice cream parlor.  It does not have to be elaborate or difficult.

        4.  Go back.

        Choose two people you want to reconnect with that you have lost touch with over the years and make the initial calls, the emails, the letters.  You enjoyed them in the past and I bet they would love to hear from you.  I recently connected with a childhood friend of mine I had not talked to in decades and it has been so fun to reminisce and reconnect.

        5.  Get out your calendar.

        Set a goal to invite people over regularly - whatever feels good to you - once a month. every other week -- for tea, coffee, dinner or watch a movie.

        Don't miss this:  Sometimes an impromptu gathering is the most fun of all. Just do it and here is how to do that.

        6.  Facilitate.

        Pick 2-3 people that you think would get along and plan a regular coffee date that meets for just an hour - everyone has an hour.  You can make the focus to bounce work ideas off each other, share child raising advice or travel ideas -- whatever you have in common.

        7.  Improve your hobbies/skills.

        Enroll in a class or clinic.  Sign up for a healthy cooking class or join a clinic to work on that golf swing or improved running times, etc.  You will have others that already share your interest right there to initiate friendships.

        8.  Exchange information.

        When you feel comfortable, make a habit of getting people's contact information.  You can't assume you will see them again and if an opportunity arises that you want to extend an invitation to an event or group get-together where he or she expressed interest, you will have the ability to actually get in touch.

        9.  Challenge yourself.

        Create a goal to initiate conversation with a new person each week. A lot of people, while out, wait for other people to talk to them. Become that person that initiates conversation even in a line at the bank!  Get in the practice of doing it.

        10.  Attend some lectures.

        This is a low key way to meet people and even if you don't, the inspiration you can receive from new ideas and concepts is great for you and makes you more interesting too.

        Don't miss this: don't be a snore and choose at least one of these 39 ways to be a more interesting person

        11.  Do it again.

        Go walking, jogging at the same time everyday. Take your dog to the dog park at the same time. You are bound to see others with the same routine and perhaps make a friend.

        12.  Look the part.

        Look pleasant. Smile and appear approachable.  Not many want to talk to the grouch.  When you look like you’re having fun, others want a part of that.

        Don't miss this: Tips to making your best first impression.

        13.  Take interest.

        Please take a genuine interest in people. Small talk isn’t even necessary – particularly because it can be painfully boring. Think of a few questions to ask your potential friends and actually listen to their responses and build from there.

        Don't miss this:  The key to your strongest relationships.

        14.  Keep in touch.

        Even a text to say hello is so easy to let others know you are thinking of them and remembering important days for them or wish them luck on a project, etc.

        15.  Work on what you have. 

        Getting more out of your current relationships can go a long way to making for a meaningful social life.  Make more effort in the ones you already have.

        Please do add in any experiences you have enriching your social life in the comments!

        For More On The Topic . . . 

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        Health News: The Latest Skinny (June 2015)

        Here is the monthly round-up of fun newsy bits for you to catch up on.  (Hopefully under an umbrella on a beach, cool drink by your side, hearing the sounds of the waves in the background - even better!)

        Links to Your Health

        Give a tap to the green links below for some recent and fascinating health information that could help you or someone in your circle:

        1.  I don't want to take the fun out of summer pool time, but these guys may not make a very good swim team member.

        2.  Any big social gatherings on the agenda soon? If those events stress you a bit, you may want to start chomping on those pickles and dipping in the yogurt to get your best social self all the ready.

        3.  Are you the orderly type? That might be a good thing when it comes to maintaining your blood sugar.

        pool, woman with hat, summertime

        4.  These kind of cocktails, you just don't want to mix.

        5.  Not a numbers person? Neither am I, but we best change that and get familiar with a few for heart health.

        6.  Are we getting ahead of ourselves when it comes to this type of weed?

        7.  Here is a career tip for you promoting you to keep your eyes closed.

        8.  This kind of intelligence is just as important and can create better relationships with others as well as ourselves.

        9.  Seeking weight loss?  Here is one aspect more important than exercise.

        10.  Too much stress - no good for your health! Try this step-by-step approach to turn it into an advantage.

        Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

        Read an interesting article this month on health that you would like to share? Please do in the comments.

        Need a bit more?

        Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
        • Join in on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, too! Just click on the "connect box" in the upper right hand corner to link in there, too.
        • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!

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