Health News: The Latest Skinny (August 2015)

Lots of great links I am sending your way to help you stay informed on health and medical news! You never know what latest study or discovery, intriguing article or other healthy bit may help you become your healthiest self or that you could forward on to those in need as well!

Be well-informed with useful and fun wellness news to make your health its very best!  Great links from how your personality affects your disease risk, why surgeons need to play more music, and what those fish oil supplements can do and not do for you. (The #health


Click on these great topics regarding your health that I saved for you this month:

1.  Next time your boss asks you to punch your timecard extra hours, you may want to show him or her this: what overtime can do to your body.

2.  So . . . how does your diet hold up to this longevity expert's?  You may be surprised by some of his messages.

3.  Let's certainly hope no one every needs this, but it's great to know scientists are working on disaster planning to protect our health under such dire circumstances.

4.  Do me a favor, please, and just review these breast cancer signs as there may be a few you have not heard of before.

Don't miss this:  Lifestyle tips to prevent breast cancer.

5.  Do you know yourself rather well? Because your personality may have something to do with how well you fight off disease, are prone to heart issues and more.

6/7.  Do your fish oil supplements help your brain? Here are two articles that say fish oil helps fight mental illness, but it may not be so helpful in aiding with mental decline as we age.

Don't miss this: Other great ways to get those omega 3 essential fatty acids and why you should care.

8.  If you are scheduled for surgery any time soon, you may want to make sure the surgeon has a few great playlists.   

Don't miss this: Why music is so great for your health.

9.  Those of us that want to slim the waistline, may want to see what this says about low carb vs. low fat diets and their effectiveness on your success in watching that belt become looser.

Don't miss this: how thin people stay thin.

10.  Technology updates may make diabetics' lives a bit easier very soon.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

Read an interesting article this month on health that you would like to share? Please do in the comments.

Need a bit more?

Make sure you don't miss a healthy thing!
  • Join in on Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+, too! Just click on the "connect box" in the upper right hand corner to link in there, too.
  • And, it would be a shame if you missed a health promoting post! Don't forget to enter your email address in the gray box at the top of the blog!

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Dig In The Cherry Bowl For Best Sleep & Health

It is no secret, if you are a regular reader, that I focus on the topic of sleep quite a bit (like here and here and here to be exact). Yes, a tiny bit obsessed I am as I struggle with getting quality sleep a lot of the time and it is a very critical component of living the healthy life. Thus, anytime I hear of a study on it or any tips people want to share, I pretty much screech to a halt, whip my head around and lean in.

During one of those "leaning in" episodes, I learned of some new information that may help fellow insomniacs about a favorite fruit - cherries  - and their possible impact on our sleep.  But, before I even get to that, did you know that cherries (fresh or frozen) already have a lot of other great health benefits, too?

Dig into that bowl of cherries to keep your body in great health! Low in calories but high in health benefits for your heart, your brain, your waistline and to help you sleep! Tap here for all the details.

5 Reasons Why You Should Hit The Cherry Bowl

Reaching for a handful of cherries to improve your health is a smart move.  And, here is why I say that:

1.  Cherries are small but mighty brain disease fighters. 

Like I said - a smart idea to dig in the cherry bowl as research points to cherries as reducing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease.

2.  They are a dieter's dream.

They are low in calories with only 77 calories in one whole cup with two grams of fiber (not bad) and loads of vitamin C.

3.  They chase inflammation.  

And, that is certainly a very good thing.  Many doctors prescribe cherry juice for joint inflammation from gout and arthritis.  Moreover this article says eating cherries often can reduce markers for many other chronic inflammatory diseases.

4.  Gym rats rejoice. 

Cherries may reduce muscle soreness after a workout, and they can prevent greater muscle damage in the long run. It's those anti-inflammatory properties in cherries that probably have something to do with making that post-workout period more bearable.

5.  The red hue is good for your heart.

Those anthocyanins, which give cherries their deep red color, create a positive force for our heart health, lists this article on the research on that.

Tossing and turning at night?  Here is a natural and healthy way to get just the right amount of sleep you and your body need! Learn here how tart cherries can easily begin your road back to sweet dreams and a more energetic tomorrow! ( #health

Cherries and How It Can Help You Sleep

Impressive as that may all be, let's get back to the information on cherries and sleep I discovered recently as well as a challenge for you to try as well . . .

The quality of our sleep plays a significant role on our mood, our immune system, our energy level, our memory, our brain health, our blood pressure, our weight-loss efforts, the aging process and so, so much more.  There is a lot of research dollars being focused on this mysterious part of our lives and its effects and scientists are showing us the impact it has on our health.  It is what makes this research such great news as it is a possible natural way to help us sleep without the pills.

1.  Drink up to better sleep.

A new study found that for older adults with insomnia that drink Montmorency tart cherry juice twice a day for two weeks saw increased sleep time by nearly 90 minutes.  That is significant! Thus, sipping on tart cherry juice may help improve both the quality and duration of your sleep, reduce the severity of any insomnia that you may be suffering from and increase overall sleep efficiency.

2.  Cherry duo may do the trick.  

Tart cherries are a natural sources of melatonin, responsible for the regulation of the body’s internal clock as well as our sleep-wake cycle. Researchers believe it’s the double-whammy combination of melatonin and the anthocyanins in tart cherries that might help us get our best rest at night.

Insomniac or not, studies show cherries can help you sleep better! And who doesn't want more of that? Join this 2-week cherry sleep challenge with these few easy steps to tap here and see if you can look and feel more rested! ( #health #sleep

The 2-Week Cherry Sleep Challenge

Let's put those cherries to the test, shall we? Fellow insomniacs or for those who just want to improve their sleep and their health, please take the cherry sleep challenge with me.  Here are the simple steps to do just that:

  1. Sip and enjoy two 8-ounce servings of tart cherry juice daily for the next two weeks and make sure one serving is in the evening.  
  2. Log your results and tweet me (use #cherriesforsleep), email me or come back and comment here on this post and let us know how and if the cherry juice is helping you sleep better.
  3. Follow me on Twitter here as I will be talking about my results over the next few weeks there and I would love to retweet your results, too.  

Montmorency tart cherry juice (found at most grocery stores) is on the pricey side, I know, but if you think about it, so are those sleep aides and doctor visits for all the ailments you will need help with from lack of good sleep. I say invest in yourself and your health and see if this can help! And, remember all the other great health benefits cherries contain.  It may help you in other areas of your health as well.

So, are you in? Let's see together if our nights of tossing and turning and watching the clock tick by are long gone. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

    photo credit link: cherry bowl

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    How Much Does Sugar Contribute to Obesity?

    Last week, the British Medical Journal published a review article titled "Dietary Sugars and Body Weight", concluding that "free sugars" and sugar-sweetened beverages contribute to weight gain.  But what are "free sugars", and why does the scientific literature suggest that the relationship between sugar intake and body weight isn't as straightforward as it may initially appear?

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    Shortcuts to Eliminate Plastic Health Risks

    Plastics were supposed to make our lives easier.  And, they certainly have in a lot of ways.  But, now, they have actually made our lives a little more complicated.  Some of the components in them, as it turns out, are not good for us to be exposed to, and the labeling of plastic ingredients is not required in all cases, making it complicated to maneuver around plastic usage choices.  And those plastics create a huge complicated heap in our landfills, too. Yes, not so easy after all, but I am here to help filter through all that. Read on!

    Plastic is everywhere and in everything! But, as miraculous as it can be, some plastics may pose health risks. Find out here which ones do and how to easily avoid them in your everyday life!

    Plastic and Why It May Harm

    Plastic has been around a while. In fact, the first manmade plastic made an appearance in 1855. But it was not until after World War I, that improvements in chemical technology led to an explosion of them. Mass production began around the 1940s and 1950s. And we have never looked back. Plastic is everywhere and it is in everything:  textiles, bottles and jars, food packaging, toys, receipts, electronics, cars and trucks, and plumbing parts to name a few.

    But, as miraculous as they can be, in more recent years, information like this has shed some light on some not so miraculous ways suspect components of plastics like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates can possibly harm us. Scan on down and see what I mean:
    • BPA acts as a synthetic estrogen that could disrupt the human hormone system, causing various health effects, some of them very serious.
    • Phthalates may cause a wide range of adverse health problems including liver, kidney and lung damage as well as reproductive system and sexual developmental abnormalities.
    • Phthalates have also been classified as a probable human carcinogen.

    How to Easily Avoid Bad Plastic Additives

    There are ways to work around these negative plastic issues, though.  Try incorporating these few easy ways to outsmart those plastics and greatly reduce your exposure to the harmful additives:

    1.  Heat and plastic are not a good match. 

    Avoid foods and liquids heated in plastic containers.  This includes plastic baby bottles. There are loads of inexpensive alternatives like glass, ceramic or stainless-steel containers instead.  Heating plastics in high temperatures in an oven or microwave oven leaches chemicals out of the containers and into the food or liquid they hold.

    If you choose to use frozen food or you freeze food you made and need to reheat it, defrost the food item for a bit to loosen it in the container and then place the food in another safe container before heating in the oven.  Never heat food in those plastic containers provided by food manufactures.

    2.  Remove your wrap. 

    Always remove plastic wrap before thawing or heating foods.  Or, don't use it at all.

    3.  Note the storage. 

    Avoid purchasing foods stored in plastic of all kinds.  (I know this one can be difficult.) If there is a choice,  purchase food items stored in glass and cardboard containers only. This goes for canned food, too. BPA has been found in the lining of the cans and it leaches onto the food item.

    4.  Find the sponge. 

    Wash all safe plastic food containers or baby bottles by hand. Do not put in the dishwasher as the heat produced by the machine may cause chemicals to release.

    Don't miss this:  How to clean-up and get out of the kitchen faster each night to allow more time for a fun-filled evening.

    5.  Toss the old and scratched. 

    Throw out old plastic containers and especially unsafe plastics (see step 9.)  As plastic containers age, they release more chemicals. Don't use scratched-up plastic containers, either. Damaged plastics may leak more chemicals

    6.  Avoid plastic toys.

    Steer away from plastic toys, especially the ones with codes discussed in section below.  Be careful at yard sales as older plastic toys you may be considering may contain BPA or phthalates.

    7.  Peek into the bathroom cabinets. 

    Check all personal care products that are free of synthetic fragrance as that increases exposure to phthalates.  The FDA requires the listing of ingredients but not individual fragrance ingredients. Phthalates are also used in many nail polishes. Be sure to check those too.

    Make sure to switch out any plastic shower curtain or plastic liners for cloth linters to avoid exposure to plastic in them that the heat of the shower creates.

    Don't miss this: Tips for easy, natural nail care to keep your hands and feet looking their best.

    8.  Fabric choices count. 

    Choose natural fiber clothing.  Plastic type additives in iron-free or teflon clothing can expose you to unwanted chemicals.  Waterproof can also be a concern.

    9.  Learn some code.

    See the section below to see which plastics to especially back away from after checking the symbol codes on the containers.

    Those triangle symbols on the bottom of those containers actually mean something, and some of those recycling codes should be avoided! Tap here to learn which ones can harm your health and a great little trick to remembering ones to avoid.

    Recycling Codes and What They Mean

    Turn those plastic items over and take a peek! Those triangle symbols usually placed on the bottom of containers actually mean something.  There is good and there is bad.  Let's go with the good first, but don't forget to read my little trick at the bottom of this section to easily remember ones to avoid:

     These code numbers are considered safe, until we hear otherwise:
    • Recycling code number 1 (PETE) 
    • Recycling code number 2 (HDPE)
    • Recycling code number 4 (LDPE)
    • Recycling code number 5 (PP)
    And . . . 

    These code numbers are ones to avoid:
    • Recycling code number 3 may indicate it contains a phthalate called DEHA.  Please, no.  This code can be seen on food items, toys, shower curtains, window cleaner, shampoo, medical equipment and construction items.
    • Recycling code number 6 or Styrofoam are in disposable plates and cups, egg cartons, carry-out foods, meat trays.  There are really hard to recycle, too.  
    • Recycling code number 7 may indicate it contains BPA. This code can also be interpreted as the  "miscellaneous" plastic,  as under this number you may see various types of plastics, including those found in baby bottles, large water bottles, 'bullet-proof' materials, sunglasses, computer cases, food containers and nylon.  Some of these are safe but some may be not safe. Best to avoid it.
    Memory Tip:  To simplify, stay away from 3, 6 and 7 recycling codes, or as I try to remember it: 

    3 (x 2) which is 6, plus 1, which is 7.

    Plastics are here to stay.  Just look at our landfills.  But, if you must use them, please be smart and do make it a lot less complicated.

    Need More?

    • Sleep is imperative to health. See what this study says. 

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    A New Human Trial Undermines the Carbohydrate-insulin Hypothesis of Obesity, Again

    The carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis of obesity states that carbohydrates (particularly refined carbohydrates and sugar) are the primary cause of obesity due to their ability to increase circulating insulin, and that the solution to obesity is to restrict carbohydrate intake.  Numerous studies have tested this hypothesis, more or less directly, in animals and humans.  Despite the fact that many of these studies undermine the hypothesis, it remains extremely popular, both in the popular media and to a lesser extent among researchers.  A new human trial by Kevin Hall's research team at the US National Institutes of Health offers very strong evidence that the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis of obesity is incorrect.  At the same time, it offers surprising and provocative results that challenge prevailing ideas about diet and weight loss.

    Read more »

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    Protecting Yourself The Best Way From Lyme Disease

    With the exception of the spotted ladybug or even a fuzzy caterpillar, I would rather not encounter bugs too often.  However, they are part of our ecosystem, our planet earth, and we must learn to coexist.

    Bugs can certainly cause annoyance at a outdoor event or a relaxing picnic with their stingers and venom and germs, but there is a particular nasty specimen that I am focusing on here that can seriously affect your long-term health - the tick.  Please come along and get properly introduced - it is a combatant you really need to know more about to better protect you and your family.

    Two Ticks Types To Especially Avoid

    Let me get a little science-nerdy on you right now and clarify that the tick is not an insect, but a parasite.  Further, they are classified as an arachnid with eight legs, rather than the six-legged insect. They also do not have wings or antennae like insects, either.  But there are over 800 different species of them, and insect or arachnid, they can spell trouble and here are two bullies in the crowd with a bit about each and why you need to stay clear:

    1.  Deer Ticks

    They are tiny - the size of a pencil point and brown.  They are primarily found in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the United States.  All ticks can carry various diseases and cause potential harm; however, the deer tick is the one that carries Lyme Disease.

    Deer ticks are not only found on deer or tin he woods. A common visitor in many homes, the mouse, can be a big carrier of ticks and the lyme disease they carry. 

    2.  Dog Ticks

    They are larger than the deer tick.  They are the size of a pencil eraser and have a white collar. Although they do not carry Lyme Disease, they can carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, a serious complication.

    Spending time outside is great for our spirits and our health! But, be sure to follow these simple precautions to avoid ticks and the serious diseases they carry to keep you and your family safe.

    Tick Bites & Symptoms

    Wearing a natural bug repellant, showering and doing a thorough tick check as soon as possible after spending time outside are all ways to catch a tick before it can get hold.  Ticks can crawl for up to hour on you or your pet before biting so those measures can help you avoid a bite in the first place. But, if they do take hold and chomp down, here are the signs of a bite:  
    • pain and swelling
    • itching
    • blistering
    • redness which usually disappears within a week 
    More serious symptoms can include these signs:
    • fever and chills
    • headache
    • palpitations
    • shortness of breath
    • confusion
    • vomiting
    • red bulls-eye rash around the bite
    • muscle weakness
    • fatigue
    • trouble walking
    • loss of appetite
    Should these develop, even within the month after the tick bite, see a doctor or emergency room, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

    Time outside is part of living the healthy life, but getting a tick bite sure isn't. FInd out here the correct 5 step method to remove a tick and to avoid serious disease. ( #health

    5 Steps To Remove A Tick the Right Way to Avoid Disease

    Let’s hope you don’t have to, but here is how to remove a tick the right way from you, your children and your pets:

    1.  Don't wait to remove a tick. Always remove a tick as soon as possible to prevent disease.  Disease spread is much less likely if the tick is removed within the first 24 hours of the bite.

    This is important: 
    Do not apply Vaseline, nail polish remover, matches, soap, or any of the other old wives tales to remove the tick.  This could irritate the tick causing it to release more germs.

    2.  Using a sterile cotton ball, clean area around tick very well with rubbing alcohol. Do not touch tick with hands!

     3.  With sterilized fine-tipped tweezers, as close to skin as possible, grasp the tick by gently pulling up straight and out until the tick lets go. Do not jerk or twist to avoid breaking anything off which could spread germs.

    4.  After removal, using sterile cotton balls, clean area thoroughly as well as your hands with rubbing alcohol. Never crush the tick with your fingers as it could spread germs.

    5.  Immerse tick in alcohol and dispose of dead tick in sealed container and get tested for Lyme or other diseases to see if you need treatment. Scroll on down for details on why this can be important

    How To Treat A Tick Bite

    Here are some important caveats of treating a tick bite and why actually saving the tick could be critical to your health:

    • Saving the tick in a sealed bag provides important clues of the tick type and can narrow the doctor's list of possible diagnosis.  Some doctors prefer to send the tick to a lab to check for disease as well.
    • Although the majority of tick bites do not result in symptoms or disease, positive blood tests for diseases such as Lyme, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, and others do not show up for two to six weeks post tick bite.  Thus, a doctor could treat with preventive antibiotics immediately if the tick tests positive or take a wait and see approach.
    • A blood test six weeks after the bite is probably a good idea regardless of which approach you choose with your doctor.

    Source: CDC

    For Even More On The Topic . . . 

    • There are lots of things you can do for yourself and your family to feel a whole lot better!Make sure to follow this board for home recoveries to all sorts of ailments.
    • Want to get outdoors and need picnic ideas? Got all the details covered right here to make it memorable.

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    Easily Make Your Next Breakfast Crazy Good, Crazy Healthy

    If you think about it, in many cases, eating healthy can be ridiculously easy! And, a good portion of healthy food is ridiculously delicious as well. Really, there is little need to groan and fuss over preparing healthy goods. Let me show you.  Scroll on down for a quick example of what I mean.

    Starting your day off with a filling, energy producing, super nutritious choice just makes sense.  And, sure, we want it to taste good and not take forever to prepare either.  Well, I have crazy good . . . crazy healthy and . . . crazy easy right here that my family and I love to start our day off with and maybe you, too.

    Crazy Quick Steel Cut Oats

    Before we get to the toppings that really are the nutrition super stars of this morning start-up, here is some brief information on steel cut oats and why I choose them over rolled oats:
    • They are less processed than rolled oats and less processed food is usually a better choice all around.
    • Steel cut oats are lower on the Glycemic Index keeping our blood sugar levels at better levels.
    • The taste is superior to rolled oats.
    • They reheat beautifully and not gummy like rolled oats.
    And, how to make them? So crazy easy: 5 minutes of time the night before and you'll wake up to warm, creamy oats almost instantly. Here is how to do it for about 4 bowls of oats, but I suggest doubling it as you can eat this for several days as steel cuts oats reheat beautifully and not gummy at all like their processed cousin, rolled oats.

    Amp your breakfast and begin your day right with this crazy good, crazy easy, super healthy way to eat oats loaded with health benefits! (TheHealthMinded,com) #healthyrecipe

    • 1 cup of steel cut oats
    • 1 teaspoon olive oil
    • 3.5 cups water
    • very small pinch of pink salt
    • 1/2 cup almond milk or maybe a bit more
    • dash of vanilla
    • toppings of choice
    medium saucepan

    Now do this
    • Warm olive oil in pan over medium heat.
    • Sprinkle in oats and stir about to toast them for 2 -3 minutes.  Don't burn - just lightly toast.
    • Stir in water, vanilla and salt and stir again.
    • Bring to a boil.
    • Turn off the heat and cover the pan. 
    • Place in refrigerator overnight. 
    • Sleep well!
    • The next morning, stir in almond milk and bring the oatmeal back up to a simmer to warm. You can add more almond milk for the consistency you like.
    • Add toppings discussed below.
    Note: I have also used leftover quinoa as a morning grain as well.  The texture is different but it is a healthy start as well.

    How to Start Your Day Off With A Nutritious Bang

    Morning steel cut oats are beneficial on their own but when you top it with these healthy additions, you know you are doing your body good. Real good! 

    Here is where the crazy healthy comes in.  Its the stuff you spoon over and stir in that make this over the top good for your body and brain:

    1.  Sweeten naturally.  If you like a touch of sweet to your morning, reach for a sweetener with benefits: some chopped dates or date syrup stirred in when making the night before are wonderful and raw honey drizzled over the cooked grains is delicious.

    Don't miss this:  Why date syrup in your pantry might be a good addition.

    2.  Gather berries.  Whether dried or fresh, all berries are chock full of antioxidants and nutrients.

    3.  Sprinkle spices.  Some classics would be Ceylon cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and cardamom to add some flavor and health.

    Don't miss this.  Make sure you have the right cinnamon on your shelf. There is a difference!

    Elevate those morning oats to great nutritious heights with these super tasty, simple additions to do your body and brain a whole lot of good! ( #health

    4. Reach for dessert.  Sound weird?  It can work!  Chocolate is a favorite for many and cacao (from which chocolate is made) is a wise choice as it is a great mood elevator and rates high in the ANDI index (a food rating system for nutrient dense foods). Stir it in with some strawberry bits or orange sections for that classic fruit and chocolate taste but you may want to offset it with a natural sweetener as cacao is unsweetened chocolate.  Sliced almonds on top could be good, too.

    5.  Add tea.   Matcha tea gives such a nice even level of energy and focus to your morning along with loads of other health benefits, so putting up with the green tinge to your oats that it may bring is worth it! (And your kids may love it!) Add some mashed banana and raw honey to balance it.

    Don't miss this:  Never heard of matcha? Learn why matcha tea is earning its cult following.

    6.  Use leftovers. Yes, really.  A bit of pureed pumpkin or sweet potato is great stirred in with some pecans, honey, cinnamon and a few dried wild-blueberries.

    7.  Add crunch with seeds and nuts.  Chopped pecans, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds - there is no limit to add any of these for texture and so much nutrition and healthy fat.

    There are plenty of other ways to begin your day, too. Be sure to check out my healthy morning routines Pinterest board for other great ideas to start the day off right!

    Do yo have a favorite combo you add to your oats? Have you tried overnight oats with success? Tell me!

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    23 Ways To Reduce Stress & Enjoy Life A Whole Lot More

    Go ahead and make some room to relax a bit more and stress a lot less. Tap here to see how stress hurts your health and how to easily counteract the effects. (The #health

    Life can certainly throw a lot our way!  And, we may even wonder how we can possibly juggle ONE MORE THING.  That is . . . until the NEXT THING pops up and tosses itself into the mix.  Despite the juggling act, we really are rather well-equipped to handle quite a bit of stress, but that continued, never-ending type of stress that keeps our minds and our bodies in a constant state of alert for long periods of time can sneak up and cause some serious damage.  Maybe even so without you even realizing it!

    You may not be able to eliminate or even decrease your level of responsibilities so easily, but you can make some better choices to counteract the strain.  It is possible to escape it, even for a brief period, and give yourself (and your body) a break rather easily.  I have some great ideas for you to easily do that, but first let's learn a bit more about what that constant type of stress with no let-up can do. But, prepare yourself. . .  I am afraid it isn't good.

    Stress And How It Affects Your Mind, Your Body

    Experiencing stress is natural!  We wouldn't grow or learn without it.  And, as I said earlier, we are designed to handle it well.  In fact, our bodies respond to stress by releasing hormones, increasing our heart and breathing rates, providing more oxygen to the brain - all giving us the ability to respond well to a demanding situation.  Amazing, really! 

    Our everyday pressures at home and at work and even much bigger stresses of loss, big life events or changes, or even traumatic events can keep our stress levels elevated far longer though. And, that type of chronic stress reaction can do this to us:

    1.  Your mood and relationships can change.  

    Common symptoms of chronic stress include irritability, anxiety, depression and even social withdrawl. Throw in there some headaches and certainly sleeping difficulties, too.  And, some may even respond with overconsumption of alcohol, drug use, overeating or not eating enough.

    2.  Your heart deserves overtime pay.

    Stress affects your respiratory and cardiovascular systems making your heart work a whole lot harder. Your blood vessels constrict and can raise your blood pressure. All this can make your heart work too hard for far too long making hypertension, stroke and even a heart attack a greater possibility.  

    3.  Your digestive system provides plenty of uncomfortable signals.

    That rush of hormones, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate can upset your digestive system, too.  Heartburn and acid reflux can result, maybe even ulcers, nausea and the way food moves through your system. Stomach aches are common under stress, too.

    4.  Pain levels may rise.

    We tend to tense up when under stress and over time, that can cause headaches, back and shoulder pain which may have some decrease exercise routines further adding to negative effects of chronic stress.  

    5.  You open the door to bugs.

    Your immune system can weaken from chronic stress leaving the door wide open to viral illnesses like influenza and the common cold. It increases risk of other diseases and infections, too, and can also increase the time it takes to recover from illness or injury.

    See? Not good at all!  So, scroll on down and find some easy ways to counteract all those negative stresses we seem to experience!

    Find 23 Easy Ways Here to Incorporate Relaxation Into Your Day To Bring Your Stress-Level Down and Your Happiness Levels Higher!  It is crucial to living your best healthy life! (The #health

    23 Easy Ways to Incorporate Relaxation Into Your Day To Bring Your Stress-Level Down

    In this series, I illustrate many ways to organize yourself to lead the healthy life you desire.  But, let's consider dialing it back a bit and do less this time. Yes, how about do less to have more? I have 23 suggestions for you to do just that -- slow down and unwind and do so often - daily hopefully. Flip though the list and see what actions you can take (even right now as some are THAT EASY) and let's get focused on doing less to relax more:

    1.  Be permissive.

    This is important for many. Give yourself permission to slow down. Say it out loud if you must.

    2.  Turn the dial. 

    Find one or two relaxing music stations to set in your car and at home or create a soothing playlist or two to quiet your mind and decrease your heartbeat. On your drive home from work, skip the news at least a few times a week and unwind with some great music to revive you.

    Don't miss this:  Here are some free, easy ways to create playlists quickly.

    3.  One word syllables can serve you well.

    Next time, someone asks you to sign up for that extra something or other that will consume your time and add to your load, very kindly try the words, "No thank you."

    Don't miss this: Here are some great specific tips on this woman's experience with doing that.

    4.  Seek the crunch.  

    Reach for a healthy crunchy food like celery, nuts or a hard apple to take the brunt of your stress.

    5.  Don't be afraid of needles.

    Acupuncture is incredibly relaxing and forces you to chill-out. After all, you don't want to move and disturb all those needles!

    6.  Create a cozy nook.

    Make sure there is a quiet area in your home or yard where you can decompress.  Associate that area with a time to relax and listen to nature.  Some even create a mediation room and if that appeals to you, go for it!

    Don't miss this: How to design your space to reflect you and your needs.

    7.  Retreat from your routine. 

    Getting away from everyone and everything for a night or weekend or even longer just may be the ticket for you to truly relax and reset a new course.  Sign up for a retreat, plan a little vaca and make it an annual escape that you look forward to for yourself.

    8.  Technology can help.

     Send phone reminders to yourself to do nothing for 10 minutes and let your mind wander and don't focus on any problems . . . at all.  They will still be there when you get back (sorry!) but you will be refreshed deleting them for a brief respite.

    9.  Lower the eyelids.  

    Yes, just rest those hard-working peeps and close your eyes.  Let the hectic day go black to regain some calm.

    Don't miss this: Keep those eyes bright and clear.

    10.  Go green. 

    Sip green tea as it is a source of L-Theanine, a chemical that helps relieve anger and stress.

    11.  Chocoholics delight.

    Go ahead and indulge in some dark chocolate to calm the nerves.  Cacao levels in chocolate can regulate stress hormones.

    12.  Try a brief siesta.

    Now, this can backfire on you so be careful.  A brief nap of 20 minutes or less can really revive you. But, longer naps can just make your groggy and disturb your natural sleep patterns.

    13.  Breathe the right breath.

    Here is a quick, free way to slow down. Controlled sloooow, deep breaths can help lower heart rate and your blood pressure, too. Your cardiovascular system will thank you.

    14.  Find the om.  

    Take those slow breathes a step further and start a mediation or yoga practice, or begin learning tai chi or qigong.  There is a reason why those that do this regularly always seem calm.

    Don't miss this: A great introduction on how to balance your health with tai chi, meditation, yoga and qigong.

    15.  Focus on good times.

    Bring forth those happy times to the forefront when feeling tense.  It can allow you to escape for a bit as well as remind you about what really counts in life and how to get back there.

    16.  Find the right touch.  

    Massage can do wonders for your body and mind and relationships. Make it a regular thing if it works for you.

    Don't miss this:  Flip through all the reasons why massage can such be an effective way to destress

    17.  A little dab will do 'ya.  

    Tap a bit of lavender, tea tree, citrus or another essential oil onto your wrist. But, remember always mix essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut oil so that you don't burn your skin!  The scents may activate smell receptors in the nose that can stabilize our emotions in our brain.

    18.  Find the light.

    If you are lucky enough to have a sunny day, step outside and show some appreciation and look to the sun. Bright light can be an effective treatment for people who suffer from depression, and can cheer up just about anyone. Talk a walk in that sun too for even greater stress relief.

    19.  Write it all down.  

    Yup, everything you have to do and/or all your worries - write it down and release it all with no editing.  Seeing it on paper can help you get organized in your life and in your mind.  Just the act of writing can help create solutions and release emotions, too.

    20.  Move your limbs.  

    No list to destress could go without exercise as a great solution to deplete those stress reactions.  A simple walk around the block to a full-out session at the gym can really help you feel and look better too.

    21.  Refocus your mind.  

    Sometimes if impatiently waiting, occupying your mind with a game or puzzle can redirect your brain to other efforts and take your mind off the waiting and worrying game.

    22.  Find your four-legged friends.  

    Time with your pets is an instant stress-reliever. Laugh, snuggle and just enjoy the presence of your fur family.

    23.  Open the line.

    What are friends for? Sharing that's what. Seek your besties and vent.

    So, which number is your favorite from the list, or please do add in with your idea to help us all slow down, unwind and dial it back better to relax more.

    For Even More On The Topic . . . 

    • Try some of these daily habits to make living healthy easier.

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    Links to Your Health

    Tap on these links of interesting wellness beats you may not have caught this month:

    1.  You won't believe this: just gazing in the mirror could provide a daily check-up sometime soon!

    2.  I suppose we could simply call these sympathy pounds for future dads.

    3.  Hide the remote to keep that brain sharp and here is why.

    4.  Tell me, how could this possibly find its way into a favorite creative toy?

    5.  Your body may look at rest, but so, so much is really going on!

    6.  The future is looking hot for bathing in mineral springs.  Find out why you may want to jump in, too.

    7.  Experience frequent back pain?  That frequency counts, apparently.

    8.  Here's more evidence that beginning early to create that exercise routine shows big benefits.

    9.  Listen up to create hope in detecting cancer earlier and easier, creating more treatment options, too.

    10.  Check out these tricky sources of the "way too much sugar" that we all consume.

    Make sure to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

    Read an interesting article this month on health that you would like to share? Please do in the comments.

    Need a bit more?

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    Featured on Debbie in Shape.

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