7 Easy Ways to Design A Restful Bedroom

Your bedroom should be an area of rest, should it not? It is your personal area of restorative space where you slumber and revitalize yourself for the next day. It is also a room where you could safely say you spend the most time because those eight hours of nod (or thereabouts) can add up to a big chunk of your life.

With so much time spent there, it makes sense to make is a hazard-free, health promoting space.  It really is not a big task and, in fact, a few of the tips listed here are free!  These easy steps can be done right away or a bit over time to make it that area of your home that you can safely and surely rest easy!

Hot to Create a Health Promoting Bedroom

Follow these easy ways to purge your bedroom of health hazards and create a revitalizing, dream-promoting space:

Suds up.  Got a favorite pillow? Great, but best keep it that way. Wash those pillows regularly along with your sheets to keep those germs, bacteria, dust mites and other allergens away.  Here is information on how to best wash your bed pillow.  

In the market for a new one as your pillow is not giving you the support you need for a restful sleep? Check out what to look for here and where to shop for one.

Color a restful hue.  Blue appears to be the color of choice for a rest-inducing bedroom. But, keep those paints free of volatile organic compounds (VOC) to keep the toxic load low.

Make smart bedding choices.  Purchasing an organic mattress for me was a game changer for my back, but it has loads of other benefits, too.  I wrote about that mattress here and about transitioning to organic bedding here and the reasons for making the switch.

And for those chairs and other upholstered bedroom pieces you may have in your room? Shop wisely as those stain-resistant fabrics often contain many compounds that is believed to cause serious health problems.

Keep it green and pure.  Houseplants can be a great addition to your bedroom as they can be great air purifiers as well as add some cheer to your space.  If you are not into caring for houseplants though, another alternative is an air filter  to remove all dust, allergens, chemicals, gasses, viruses and bacteria.

Power off an hour before bed.  If you’re using any electronics during the hour before you retire for the day, they may be disrupting your natural sleep habits. Exposure to the electronics may be an overall issue for our health, but also artificial light from digital screens stimulates brain activity. This may make falling asleep a harder task.  You could keep the TV and computer out of your bedroom or at least dim your screen, if possible, closer to bedtime.

Ditch the sprays.   It would be best to rethink those artificial room deodorizers and spa candles. Many of them contain toxic VOCs and exposure to them can cause many issues like nausea, headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired memory. Long-term exposure may even cause cancer. Instead reach for natural candles made from vegetable, soybean or beeswax with 100 percent essential-oil fragrances.

Create a hum.  There are many devices that can help drown out street noise and create a camouflaging and soothing white noise instead.  This is the one I switch on every night and even travel with as well when I can.

So, what have you done to create a restful haven for yourself? Any tips to add to the list?

Need a bit more?

Purifying your bedroom is great.  But, how about doing the same for your shower and bath too?
Make that first cup of jo in the morning (after that pure and restful sleep) a healthier one with these coffee tips.

white bedroom: photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/cocokelley/2568198472/">coco+kelley</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/">cc</a>
plant: photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jason-samfield/6777659403/">Jason A. Samfield</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">cc</a>
candle: photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/ccastro/1069414/">InspectedbyNo27</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/">cc</a>

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