Health News: The Latest Skinny (September 2015)

Staying well-informed on the latest health news can really help you reach your goal of living a healthy lifestyle. There is a lot of information to sift through though! Allow me to help a bit with that and bring you a monthly round-up of a few health-related links that can help you stay up on it all.

And, if you like, be sure to follow me on Twitter as well (tap right here) as I post each day at 3 p.m. even more health news tid-bits that can help you and your family be in-the-know when it comes to designing your best health!

Be well-informed with useful and fun wellness news to make your health its very best! Great links from how being outdoors helps your children's eyesight, why chocolate is great for your health, and why using natural ways for your pets affects your children's health too.


Click on these great topics (in green) regarding your health that I saved for you this month:

1.  Hello parents! Here's even more reason to encourage our children to experience the great outdoors . . . and to do so often!

Don't miss this:  Here is one of my favorite family outings and tips to do it right.

2.  Chocolate fans, rejoice!  Catch this interview with a Ph.D who has studied its far reaching health benefits that you really must read about (while you are chewing on a square of dark chocolate, of course!)

Don't miss this:  I have a fantastic, yummy recipe for you featuring chocolate in the healthiest of versions.

3.  Can you believe a printer did all this?  It is hard to wrap my mind around the miracle of it and where the future holds for this!

4.  Going dairy-free is sounding better and better.  Here's why.

Don't miss this:  Lifestyle tips to prevent breast cancer.

5.  Like it hot?  All the better according to this study on spicy food.

6.  If you are stressed a bit over some tough decisions to make, perhaps this Google Exec can help lend a hand with that.

Don't miss this: If that isn't enough, check out these other decision making tips, too!

7.  Can the damage of a future heart attack be repaired by a simple patch?

8 Reminders are always good, but here is how to get those attached to their phone to really listen up: text reminders of the healthy kind.

9.  Uh-oh! Health costs are growing.  (But I probably didn't even need to tell you that.)

10.  Going natural with your pets may be a wise move.  Those pest management drugs may affect your children in a very bad way.

Don't miss this:  Here are some ways we care for our beloved four-legged family member at our house to ensure her best health.

Until the next round-up, you may want to follow me on Twitter here as I post interesting health news links and updates EVERY DAY at 3 p.m.!

Read an interesting article this month on health that you would like to share? I hope you'll add it in the comments.

Related Posts:

Don't Fear the Dark: Try These Powerful Black Superfoods

Step out of the light and into the dark - if even for a bit -  and experience what the dark side of things can do for you and your health!  Please do indulge and let those dark fruits, vegetables and grains easily tempt you with their alluring secrets.  It is true, those richly-hued black (or almost black) foods may be able to do more good for your body than even some of their light-hearted counterparts.

So, what is so amazing about these shadowy foods? What makes them so powerful? It is all that rich color that packs the pumch as it carries the anthocyanins or plant pigments that may help lower the risks of cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease.  But, that is not all.  Read on to find why you should make lots more room for some of the items on your dinner plate and while you are at it, create a simple, creamy dessert with a few of them that is drenching with amazing healthy goodness!

7 Dark Foods to Eat Often For Optimal Health

Throw back more of these black-hued foods for health benefits we can all use more of:

1.  Order a side of black beans. 

 Next time, you are dining at your favorite taco joint, ask for black beans. The dark skins of these beans are packed with bioflavonoids that may be helpful in protecting us against cancer and they provide special support for digestive tract health, especially the lower part of our digestive tract.

2.  The fiber rich blackberry is a stand-out.

Here is another one good for our digestion and our vascular system fighting heart disease and protecting eyesight, too.

Don't miss this:  Read even more great benefits to this tasty and beautiful berry.

3.  Hearty black lentils fortify us with iron and more.  

These dark legumes are loaded with it as well as other goodies to help create great numbers for our cholesterol levels.

Don't miss this: Not sure what to do with lentils to make them taste great. Try this.

Don't be afraid of the dark and experience what these dark-colored foods can do for you and your health! These richly-hued black (or almost black) foods may be able to lower cancer, diabetes and heart disease risks. And, don't miss this amazingly good for you and easy-to-make dessert recipe packed with dark foods too!

4.  Dark chocolate is a treat to indulge in.  

No worries about choosing dark chocolate as your go-to treat of choice.  Cacao, from which chocolate is made, is a top nutrient dense food.

Don't miss this:  Try this way to add a great anytime snack: chocolate granola that smells and tastes fantastic.

5.  Nothing obscure about the health benefits of black rice.  

The bran hull of black rice contains significant amounts of vitamin E, which bolsters the immune system and protects cells from free radical damage. Every nugget is loaded with anthocyanin antioxidants, too.

6.  Hydrate with black tea for a good antioxidant punch. 

All teas are a good healthy choice as long as you don't add sugar.

Don't miss this:  Learn all about the four types of tea leaves and how each are special.

7.  Sprinkle black sesame seeds to add a dramatic touch to your dish. 

The sesame seeds do look pretty as a garnish but they do so much more than that. They can protect the liver against damages by free radicals in the body and protect you against many diseases, including cancer.

Healthy Recipe: Superfood Stoked Black Rice Pudding

If you can stir, you can make this!  Nothing complicated about this simple dessert that is so comforting and delicious and stoked as well as soaked with superfoods. You have the immune-boosting black rice accompanied by raw honey, loads of antioxidant rich fruits and the crunch of the vitamin packed scattered almonds.  Eat it and smile! You are doing your body and soul some good!

Serves 4

  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup Chinese black rice
  • big pinch of pink salt
  • 1/2 cup non-diary milk of choice (almond or flax are good choices)
  • 1 cup unsweetened full or low-fat coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or a bit more)
  • 1/3 cup raw honey
  • 1/2 cup small blackberries or larger ones sliced in half
  • 1/2 cup diced mango
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted

Now do this
  • Put the water, rice and salt in a medium sized pot and stir together. 
  • Bring to a boil. 
  • Reduce the heat, cover and simmer 35 to 40 minutes, until all of the water is absorbed. Watch carefully towards the end and do not let burn.  At this point, you can stop and place the pot refrigerator to finish the next day or later.
  • Pour in both milks and and honey into the rice. Continue stirring over medium heat.
  • Bring to a gentle boil, reduce the heat and simmer, stirring often for 10 minutes or until a creamy texture is created.
  • Add the vanilla and blackberries and continue to simmer for another minute or until fruit melds with the creamy pudding.
  • Taste and adjust seasonings.
  • Serve and garnish with toasted almonds and mango.
  • Serve warm or chill in refrigerator.
Recipe adapted from here.
Featured on Urban Naturale Blog Hop.

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How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle Despite Your Busy Schedule

When juggling a lot in our life (whether by choice or having it thrust upon us), staying true to the  healthy lifestyle we want to lead can feel downright impossible! And, dare I say, sometimes, that workout or making that healthy meal is the first to get bumped off the "to do" list because the pressure of doing thattoo, is all too much.

Then, . . .  the guilt sets in.  Throw in some frustration over not achieving your goal and you are well on your way to creating a cocktail of stress and a whole lot of other negative thoughts and consequences.

Not. So. Pretty.

But. So. Not. Necessary!

 If you find yourself in this scenario and racing the clock, let's not waste any more time and please scan down.  I have some ideas to change all that for you.

Finding little time to fit in a workout or healthy meal? Tap here for 7 doable actions you can take today to create a healthier life even when you are crazy busy!

Racing about? Finding little time to fit in a workout or healthy meal? Tap here for 7 doable actions you can take today to create a healthier life even when you are crazy busy!

7 Ways You Can Create A Healthier Lifestyle . . . Even When You are Busy

You are about to break that ugly rut and negative cycle! It is possible to achieve the healthier lifestyle that you want without zapping all your time and energy.  Flip on down and see if any of these time-saving ideas you can implement rather quickly might help you hop on the road to better health and keep you there . . . yes, even despite your crazy busy days.

1.  Verbalize it.

When you say your healthy lifestyle goals out loud to yourself or your spouse or friend, neighbor - whomever will listen - it somehow makes you focus more to make it happen.  Even better - get that spouse or friend to join you and you can check in and encourage each other! Also, take a moment to write it down! Go ahead and make it real.  Put reminders to yourself on your phone, tack it up at a spot you will see everyday.  Start small and build from there.

2.  Let others do the planning.

Sign up for a workout program on line (lots of great free options for tight schedules) or let the trainer at your gym design the exact measures you are to take to get fit within the time you can give.  That way, it is all spelled out for you.  No thinking or creating.  All done!

Don't miss this:  Here is how I created a home gym that fits under my couch!

3.  Measure without thinking about it.

Strap on one of those fitness gadgets and eliminate the hassle of measuring your movements, heart-rate, etc. to help you achieve your goals.

Don't miss this:  Lots of specifics on fitness trackers with their pros and cons to consider right here.

4.  Power up!

Smoothies loaded with superfoods and super powders like this yummy one, Ambronite, is a great ticket to success.  I was sent Ambronite to try and am finding it an efficient way to get the nutrients needed to stay strong and powered up all morning!  Drinking smoothies is one of my favorite ways to stay nourished despite my busiest days. Look at what Ambronite can do for you below and it only takes minutes to make and you are on your way:

For more information on the tasty Ambronite and how to order some to try for yourself, tap here.  When I drank my smoothie with it, I particularly noticed a nice even energy and it really kept me full for a long time with no hunger pains to distract me during my busy day!

Don't miss this:  Follow my superfoods pin board to stay up-to-date on what foods you can add to your grocery list to keep you in top shape with little effort.

5.  Create a board.

Meal planning is always a smart trick to eating more nutritious food consistently.  To make that planning even smoother, create a Pinterest board or several of them to organize all those great healthy food ideas. Do a search for a specific diet, food item or recipe on the search bar at the top.  Make sure to download the app to your phone to make it a snap to view at the store for needed ingredients for that healthy simple dinner idea you wanted to try.

Don't miss this:  Tap into my healthy meal ideas on my Pinterest boards: soups, vegetables, main entrees, packed lunch ideas, and lots more!

6.  Simplify the shopping.

Stay on the outskirts of the grocery store where the fresh foods live.  That way you get in and out quicker! Keep the junk food in the junk food aisle (in the middle of the stores usually) and not at your house!  If you don't have the junk food in your pantry, you can't reach for it and crush all your attempts to keeping healthy.

Consider stopping by your farmers market for the freshest of choices that require very little cooking preparation to taste fantastic.  (Check out my mini-guide with special tips for shopping at farmers markets.)

Consider ordering your groceries, too.  It is a huge time-saver, gas-saver and may help keep you on track with your eating goals by not getting tempted to buy something you shouldn't.

Don't miss this:  Review these food labels simplified here for you whether you order your groceries on line or shop yourself.

7.  Wind it down and take note.

Leading the healthy life isn't only about what your put in your mouth and how much you move.  It is also about what you fill your mind with and how much you slow down as well. Relaxation is crucial to get a respite from that busy day to recharge. Whether that means taking a few minutes to read a book, share a healthy meal with family or friends, play with your children or dog, or just letting your mind wander and not be productive at all  -- every bit is imperative. Do make time to relax and notice the beauty and blessings that surround you.  Those demands will still be there, but let's not be a slave to them.

Don't miss this:  Hard for you to relax sometimes or maybe you don't even know what that feels like?  Uh-oh! See if any of thees ideas on how to relax appeal to you.

I would love to hear your suggestions on what works for you to keep to a healthy lifestyle when your schedule is tight. Jump in here, please, and share in the comments!

Related Posts:

Healthy Snack & Post Workout Smart Choice: Chocolate Milk

Now this, my friends, is how to do chocolate milk . . . creamy, rich, dairy-free and oh so healthy! It will surely satisfy any chocolate craving you are having and fill that sweet tooth, too, but with no refined sugar! And, this is so good for you with loads of antioxidants and mood elevators to get you through any busy afternoon. And, look at that! It is here just in time for those after school snacks!

Creamy, rich, delicious, chocolately ... & healthy. What's not to like? Get a quick recipe here for your next post workout or after school snack: dairy-free, sugar-free chocolate milk. ( #health

Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, Delicious and Healthy Chocolate Milk

This batch is for a few servings so go ahead and whip up enough of this for a few snack breaks or post work-out rewards as this will keep in your refrigerator for a few days:

  • 4 cups unsweetened organic flax milk, chilled
  • 2 tablespoons of organic, raw cacao powder
  • 1 frozen, large very ripe banana,  cut into chunks
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds
  • Dash of vanilla extract
  • 3 large organic dates, chopped

Now do this
  • Pour milk into blender. 
  • Add in all the other ingredients.  
  • Whip all ingredients until fully incorporated, about a minute depending on your blender.
  • Taste and adjust flavorings.

4 Reasons Why This Chocolate Milk Recipe Makes Such a Healthy Snack

The recipe above has so many good-for-you ingredients and smart reasons to enjoy it and here is why I say it:

1.  Plant-based omega 3s are abundant.  If you use the flax milk, which has a very neutral flavor, it is rich in lignans and omega 3s - both so good and vital for our health, our hormone levels, our cardiovascular system and in so many other ways.

Don't miss this:  The magic of omega 3s for your body and how to get them easily and check out this taste test on flax milk, too.

2.  Cacao powder is a powerful superfood.  Cacao, the bean used for all chocolate, is a great energy source, mood-elevator and it scores very high on various nutrient rating systems making it pack in a lot for each sprinkle.

Don't miss this:  Why you may want to reach for raw cacao powder over cocoa powder.

3.  Dates provide lots of minerals, vitamins, and health-benefiting phytonutrients.  The high fiber in them helps prevent LDL (bad cholesterol) absorption and is great for your digestion, too.  Dates are so naturally sweet, no added unrefined sugar is necessary to fill that sweet tooth in this recipe.

4.  It is restorative after a session at the gym.  This is a great post workout drink to sip.  You work hard to get fit and the protein content in this drink (from the hemp seeds as well as the cacao powder) is a good match for replenishing your tired muscles and the water content helps prevent dehydration, too.

Don't miss this: Here is the study backing up this choice as a good one for after your time at the gym.

So, any more ideas of what to eat after a workout to replenish or do your children have a favorite healthy after school snack to add here?

Featured on Urban Naturale Blog Hop.

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Out for Two Weeks

I'll be out of town with limited internet until September 27th.  Feel free to leave comments, but I won't be able to moderate them until I return.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Cooking with Chocolate the Healthy Way To Feel & Look Great

When I was growing up, many of my friends considered breakfast cereal and cartoons a Saturday morning ritual.  Be me?  I didn't particularly care for either. Now, though, I do make an exception for a good granola. One homemade with lots of crunch and goodness. One that can be eaten any time, not just for breakfast.  One that will not only satisfy, but nourish at the same time. Yes, I can make room for a ritual like that - and especially if it contains chocolate!

Some forms of chocolate are a health food! The high antioxidant level contained in cacao (used to make chocolate) may be able to reduce the risk of many diseases. Tap here to find loads of other health benefits, a tasty recipe, and why you want to indulge in this favorite flavor often.

Yup! Just to make it a little naughty, there is chocolate in the granola I am sharing today.  But, I mean that in only the very best way as this recipe uses raw cacao, (the seed from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made) and it is wickedly good-tasting and wickedly good for you, too. If you scan on down, you will see exactly what I mean.

High Antioxidant Rankings for Cacao and Some of Its Variations

You may think kale deems supreme (and it is great stuff indeed)!  But, I think you may want to consider this: Some rankings like the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), a method of measuring antioxidants in biological samples, rates raw cacao and unsweetened cocoa powder in the top 10 of many nutritious foods.  The high antioxidant level contained in cacao may be able to repair the damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of many diseases.

That's good news for chocoholics out there, but you just need to make sure it is the right form.  If you indulge in a chocolate bar, dark is best (cacao content of at least 70 percent or higher) and ditch the high sugar content while you are at it.

5 More Health Benefits of Cacao  

As if that ORAC rating wasn't enough to convince you regarding cacao and some of its chocolate variations, hold on.  There is more good news:

1. Cacao may be a fountain of youth.  Many of the antioxidants present in cacao are flavonoids, including anthocyanidin - great for the prevention of free radical damage and boosting collagen protection - a strong anti-ager.

Don't miss this:  Here are some other daily habits to keep your body and mind youthful.

    2.  Your outlook may improve.  The neurotransmitters that are increased when you consume cacao may promote a sense of well-being.  Perhaps there lies the reason for the piece of chocolate on your pillow at fine hotels.

      3.  Your might like your lab results.  Cacao may be an aide to cardiovascular disease as it may block the oxidation of undesirable LDL cholesterol.

      Don't miss this:  Here is another magical way to keep your cholesterol in check.

      4.  It acts as a great protector for your nervous system.  Cacao is high in resveratrol, a potent antioxidant, known for its ability to cross your blood-brain barrier to help protect your nervous system.

        5.  It is a complicated but beneficial mix.  Cacao contains over 300 important compounds, including protein, fat, certain B-vitamins and minerals such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper.

        Raw Cacao and Its Important Distinction From Cocoa Powder 

        Make no mistake, raw cacao, nibs and roasted cocoa powder are all nutrient giants in the antioxidant world. But, before we get to the recipe, let me tell you why I choose organic, raw cacao as a star ingredient.

        Cocoa powder may look identical to raw cacao, but is not the same.  Here is why: raw cacao is made by cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans - unroasted is the key word here. The process keeps the living enzymes in the bean. Conversely, cocoa powder is raw cacao that’s been roasted at high temperatures, and it is this roasting process that changes the molecular structure of the bean, reducing the enzyme content and lowering the nutritional level. It is still high though, but not as high as its unroasted counterpart.

        In this recipe, you are cooking the raw cacao, but not at the high temperatures that cocoa powder is when roasted. The raw cacao, once sold only in speciality shops, can be found at many grocery stores and makes a great addition to smoothies, hot chocolate and when baking, too! Just make sure it is organic.

          This chocolate granola makes a great super healthy, portable, filling, anytime snack.  And the smell, when it is baking?  It is down right bewitching! Tap here for the easy steps to serve an energy-boosting, no guilt, all good chocolate granola. ( #recipe #healthy

          Recipe: No Guilt, All Good Cacao Granola 

          This granola makes a great portable, filling, anytime snack.  And the smell, when it is baking?  It is down right bewitching!

          • 6 tablespoons extra virgin organic coconut oil
          • 1/2 -3/4 cup raw organic honey (start with 1/2 cup)
          • 1/3 cup unsweetened organic raw cacao powder*
          • 1 teaspoon salt
          • splash of vanilla extract
          • 3 cups organic rolled oats
          • 1 cup slivered almonds 
          • 1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
          • 1/4 cup organic cacao nibs
          • 1 heaping tablespoon ground flax seed
          • 3/4 cup chopped dried fruit of choice: The sour of dried cherries or cranberries are great, but dried bananas, strawberries or raisins could be nice. too.
          *Note: Consumer Labs also found that some raw cacao powder to be contaminated with heavy metals. Look for fair traded, organic varieties.

          Now do this:
          • Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.
          • Warm the coconut oil until it melts by placing it in a small saucepan on a very low flame for just a few seconds or even just near the warm stove.  It melts quickly! Take off the heat.
          • To the warm and melted, but not hot, coconut oil, add the cacao powder, salt, vanilla and honey. Mix until smooth. Taste and adjust for sweetness.
          • In a very large mixing bowl add the oats, almonds, cacao nibs, flax and coconut. Mix well.
          • Pour the the coconut oil mixture over the oat mixture and combine until well coated.
          • Add the granola to a sheet pan with parchment paper and spread to a thin and even layer.
          • Bake the granola for 25-45 minutes. But keep an eye on it and check every 5 minutes or so after the 20 minute mark.  Shuffle it around a bit, too, with a spoon. (The goal is to get the granola crisp but not burned or browned.  Better to undercook it and put it back in the oven a bit later to crisp up some more than burn it!)
          • Cool the granola.
          • Add the dried fruit of choice and mix well. 
          • Store in airtight container.

          Have you tried raw cacao powder in place of cocoa powder yet? What has been your experience?

          ORAC Source: US department of Agriculture/Journal of American Chemical Society
          Note: This post appeared previously at THM, but was updated and enhanced with more current information. 
          Featured on Urban Naturale Blog Hop.

          Related Posts:

          Easily Get Rid of The Toxins Lurking In Your Bathroom

          Tweaking a bit here and there can sometimes make all the difference. Those small improvements and adjustments can lead to bigger and better things for you and your health.  With that in mind, how about improving a room you enter every day - your bathroom. Those showers, those baths can add to your toxicity level in several ways. It is true that some of those bottles, bars, jars, sprays and lotions, and even your bathroom decor could be adding to your toxic load without you even realizing it.

          Get your bathroom clean and toxin-free! Follow this strategy to easily detox your bathroom and shower to greatly better your health and lessen your exposure to chemical overload.

          Why turn a good thing (taking a shower or bath) into a bad thing (increasing your chemical load)? There are a few simple ways you can adopt to avoid doing just that.  We certainly can't control everything we come in contact with living in our world today, but we can try to lessen it where we can.

          So, let's open the door to your bathroom and take a closer look, but first let's check your shopping bag . . .

          Ingredients To Avoid In Your Beauty Products

          The process of clearing your bathroom of potentially harmful toxins begins long before you even step into your bathroom.  First, you need to check your shopping cart. When purchasing shower and bath products, read the labels.  Buy products with USDA Organic seals or products that at least have an ingredient list with words you don't stumble over.

          Here is a short list of ingredients (but not an exhaustive one) to avoid when purchasing bath and shower items and here is how to check on the toxic levels of products you already have.  Same of these ingredients are not so bad by themselves but some break down the skin's moisture barrier allowing for more penetration of the other harmful chemicals.
          • Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate (SLS/SLES)
          • Dioxane: Common in a wide range of products as part of PEG, Polysorbates, Laureth, and ethoxylated alcohols.
          • Ethoxylation
          • Parabens
          • Propylene glycol
          • Diethanolamine 
          • Synthetic fragrances
          • Triclosan

          Step inside your bathroom & follow these easy steps to get it clean & fresh and free of harmful toxins to your health. FInd the simple swaps and pared-down methods do the trick!

          Other Easy Ways to Decrease Toxins in Your Bathroom

          Step inside your bathroom now and begin to clean up before taking the next shower or bath with these easy suggestions on lessening your toxicity load. Doing so is all pretty doable if you choose a few tips off the list this week and some more the next and you will soon be on your way to a toxin-free bathroom:

          1.  Looks aren't everything.

          That darling shower curtain and no slip bath mat may have other designs besides prettying up your bathroom.  Some of them contain harsh chemicals that when heated up in the shower or bath could contribute to respiratory irritation; damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys; nausea; headaches and more.   You don't want to take that chance with you and your children.

          That strong “new shower curtain smell” that accompanies PVC vinyl shower curtains and shower curtain liners is a warning to consider replacing those plastic items with a cloth curtain and 100 percent rubber mat.

          Don't miss this: Here are some simple switches to reduce the other harmful types of plastic in your everyday life, too.

          2.  Don't always go heavy duty.

          Most of the time, those hefty chemicals like bleach are not necessary.  Steam cleaners that use only water can be a great option and there are so many non-toxic organic brands of cleaners that can be found on the market as well.

          Don't miss this: For those deep cleaning bathroom jobs, here are many suggestions on how to thoroughly clean your bathroom without toxic chemicals or cleaners.

          3.  Brush your way to smoother skin.

          Most everyone wants smoother, softer skin, but there is no need for chemicals contained in so many skin products to do it.  Try this dry brushing  technique that only takes minutes a few times a week as a great step to take to do just that.

          Another way to gently and safely remove dead skin cells is with baking soda.  It is incredibly inexpensive and makes a great exfoliant.  I keep a small container of baking soda in my shower and use it daily by mixing a bit of it with my facial soap.  And, by the way, so does Emma Stone and Giada De Laurentils (discussed here). And, last time I checked their skin looked pretty good!

          Don't miss this:  I have loads of great pins here to help you take natural care of your skin easily and beautifully

          4.  Dig up some dirt.

          Keeping a nail brush in your shower is a good reminder to clean those hands and under your nails regularly.  So much bacteria can collect under your nails that could lead to infection. Just make sure you sanitize your brush regularly and let it air dry.

          Don't miss this:  Effortlessly clean all your brushes (toothbrush, make-up, etc.) in five minutes or less.

          5.  Stop by your pantry. 

          Your pantry is stocked with cooking oils like coconut oil and olive oil that make great moisturizers after the shower or even as a remedy for dry hair. And, they contain zero chemicals to get the job done. I personally use both just like this lady here that lived to 122!

          Don't miss this:  It doesn't have to summer time to reap great benefits from these natural 2-ingredient hair masks to bring your hair back to life.

          6.  Filter your water.

          Depending on where you live, your shower water could be spraying a lot of chlorine and other harmful chemicals all over you.  Test your water to see what chemicals you may want to avoid and purchase a shower filter that can be attached to your shower head.

          7.  Allow the air in.  

          It is such a simple measure to remember to open your windows and leave your fan on as you shower and leave it on for about 30 - 60 minutes after the bath or shower as well to aid in reducing the moisture levels that attract the mold and mildew to form.  An extra bonus is less cleaning will be required, too, and no harsh chemicals to rid your bathroom of the mold!

          8.  Hang it up.  

          To a tidy person, it may seem obvious, but to one that is not, you may have to nag on this one: hang up all towels after use to allow as much surface area as possible. And, don't throw a damp towel on the floor or in a hamper to dry. The bacteria builds up much more there as it doesn’t dry completely between uses. Damp towels attract bacterial growth, which causes that musty smell indicating bacteria is growing.  Yuck!

          Wash your bath towels after about three uses, according to the pros. And, those facial towels should only be used once to prevent breakouts and bacteria exchange.

          Don't miss this: Those kitchen towels require certain care, too, and they can do way more than wipe up spills.

            Do you have any favorite natural products to share that you use when showering or bathing?  Any special methods of cleaning your bathroom toxin-free? Please add in the comments!

            Note:  This post appeared previously here at THM but was updated and enhanced to provide more current information.

            Need A Bit More?

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