Book Look: Clean Eats by Alejandro Junger, M.D.

With the abundance of healthy food bloggers for inspiration, I do not turn to cookbooks for ideas as much as I used to.  In fact, many of my beautiful cookbooks sit rather dusty on my shelf.   But, I had heard so many good things about Clean Eats by Alejandro Junger, M.D., I ordered a copy this past summer, and it has not disappointed. Not in the least. And, I promise not to let it get dusty for long!

Why I Would Recommend Clean Eats by Alejandro Junger, M.D.

Yes, Clean Eats was on my summer reading list and it was a great choice.  Here are some of the reasons why:
  • If you are new to clean eating or healthier eating practices, the tone of the book is welcoming and not intimidating at all.  Yes, it espouses clean eating and what that means so you won't find processed foods, unhealthy fats, refined grains, etc. in the ingredient lists.  However, it is done in such a positive, gentle and inspiring way, it motivates you to be better and do better for you and those you feed.
  • The recipes are abundant (over 200) and there is something for everyone: vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters, too.  Plenty, if not most, recipes are gluten-free and dairy-free as well.
  • The recipes are easy to follow and not complicated.
  • The recipes I tried taste great and they were fun to make.
  • If you are into specific meal plans, several are offered.
  • It is organized well and written well.
  • I especially enjoyed the wonderful "big picture" essays on clean eating and what that actually means by many leading in the field. There are many recipe contributions from names you may recognize as well. 

A Bit About the Author, Dr. Junger

The author suffered digestive health issues himself when he moved to the United States from Uruguay to do his post medical school graduate work.  His successful approach to healing himself ignited his "Clean Program."  He has many loyal followers and has helped many improve their health.  Dr. Junger has also written two other books: Clean and Clean Gut.

To learn more about the author, Dr. Junger, and his programs as well as his approach to clean eating and philosophy,  go here for a biography on him. To purchase the book, many popular bookstores sell it as well as Amazon here.  Or, check your public library for a copy as well.

Five of My Favorite Tips from Clean Eats

I am still working through this book and still learning, but here are a few the tips and strategies I have adopted from reading this book:

Look at food in a new way.  One of my favorite quotes from the book's second essay is on the topic of epigenetics (explained a bit here):  "Food is more than calories. It is information. And that information plays a much greater role than just providing us fuel for energy. Every bite we eat contains information that tells our genes how to express themselves. Food literally has the ability to turn our "good" genes on and our "bad" genes off."

Expand your reach.  Clean Eats walked me through how to use coconut flour, something I had never used before and now I reach for often.  It is higher in protein and fiber and lower in carbohydrates. It is also gluten-free.

Throw in some beans.  I cook with beans and lentils but now, I include them more often in my cooking. They are inexpensive and you don't have to make them center stage of your dish.  Even adding a handful can increase the fiber and B vitamins as well as acting as a great digestive aide to your dishes.

Sprinkle more spice. I learned more about the medicinal properties of herbs and spices.  (Some of my favorites are here and why.) I enrich my dishes with them often but I now know more about some new ones and what they can do.

Practice chemistry in the kitchen.  It introduced me to homemade elixirs and herbal infusions. I hope to play around with this more this coming fall and winter using warm teas as a base, etc. Perhaps I will write a post on that later.

And next time, more about those Clean Eats recipes . . .

Do tell! Do you have a favorite healthy cookbook that you turn to often or healthy food blog?  Please give a link and tell us about it. Have you read Clean Eats or any other books by Dr. Junger? What did you think?

Need a bit more?

photo credit: Tim Sackton: Flicker:

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